Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

2. And of many duties in particular. 3. And of everlafting death as the penalty of all (in. So that it faith , The Wages of in is death. 3. That to this is affixed the RemedyingLaw of Grace , like an a t of Oblivion, which Both r . Reveal certain points to be believed. 2. And command the belief of them, with other particular duties in order to its ends. 3. And loth offer Chrift, and Pardon, and Lire , by a Conditional Donation en- a.&ing that whofoever will Repent andBelieve (hall be Juftified, and perfevering therein with trueobedience, (hall be finally ad- judged to everlafting life, and poff;ffed thereof. Its tenor is , He that Repenteth and Believeth (hall be laved and he .that° doth not (hall be damned. 4, That the fenfe of this Promife and Tl reatning iÄ, He that Repenteth andRelieveth at all in this life , though bat at the hour, (hall be laved ; and he that Both it not at allíh4166 damned. Or he that isfound a penitent Believer at death , &c. And not , he that believeth not todayor tomorrow !hall L damned, though afterward he do. 5. That the threatning of the Law of Mature was not ar- first Peremptory and Remedilefs ; and that now it is fo far Re medyed, as that there is a Remedy at hand for the diffolving of the Obligation, which will be e`ffec`tual as foon as the Condition is performed. 6. That the Remedying Lawof Grace, bath a peculiar pe- nalty, that is, r, Non-liberation, A privation of Pardon 2rtd rife which was offered ( For that's now a penal privation,.; which if there had been no Saviour, or Promìfe ,. or Offer wouldhave been but a Negation. ). z. The certain .Remedilefr- nefs of their mïfery for the future , that there (hall be nomore facrifice for fin. 3. And whether alto a greater degree of pu4 nifhrnenr, I leave to cor.fideration. 7, :I fill diftingui(hed between the Precepts and the San&ion of: the Law of Grace or New Covenant , and between fin ars, it ref'peCteth both :And fo I laid, that Repentance and Faith., in .. Chri!'c (even as a means to juftification) arecommanded infpe cíein;the Gofpel;tvhich con fiitutetl3.the ndutis,b t c©mmatrs - a.corfeTaently genvre, in-the-Lahr of;°nattre- under the ,..,05e° ra i