Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

( =4Z) ons adjoyned, yea without part of the Sentence it Pelf : and therefore unfaithfully. Treat. But this 4nfver may be called Legion; for manyerreurs andcontraditlions are in it. z. How can juJIifying faith qua talís in the as of7uftifyin,g, andRepentance be reducible duties to the Law takenftrit`tfj ? Indeedas it was in a large fenfe discovered to the Yew r, being the Covenant of grace as 1 have elfeu'hcre pro-, ved (Vindic. Logis ) fó i required rellifying Faith andRepen- tance. But take it in thefenfe as the Abettor of this opinion muet do , Pip-fins faith and repentance mull be called the work" ofthe Law. Anfiw. Its eafilier called Legion then faithfully reported, or folidly confuted. i. Let the Reader obferve howmuch I in- cured the difpleafure of Mr. Blake , for denying theMoral Law tobe the fufficient or foie Ruleof all duty, and howmuch he path Paid againft me therein ; and then judge howhard a task it is to pleafe all men : when thefe two neighboursand friends, dopublikely thus drawme fuch contrary wales , and I muff be guilty of more thenordinary errour whether I fay Yea or Nay. And yet ( which isthewonder) they differ not among them- felves. 2. But feeing your ends dire& you to fetch in this contro- verfie, fo impertinent to the refs , its requifite that the Abettor do better open his opinion, then youhave done , that theRea- der may not have a Defence of he knows not what. My opinion fo oft already explained in other writings, is this. x . That the Lawof Nature as continued by the Mediator, is tobediftinguithed from the RemedyingLaw of Grace , call- ed the New Teftament, the Promife, &c. ( Whether youwill call them twoLaws or two parts of one Law, is little to the, purpofe , feeing in force refpe& they are two, and in force but one. ) 2. That this continued Law of Nature bath its Precept and San&ion, or doth confiture the Duenefs, z. Of Obedience in general to all that God bath commanded or fhall command. 2,. And