Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

17z) oefl. 13. If therebe no fuch thing as a perfonal Righter oufnefs neceffary to fälvation, befides imputed Righteoufnefs I. What is the meaningof all thofe Scriptures cited Thef22. that fay there is ? 2. And of our Divines that fay there is inhe- rent Righteoufnefs ? And 3 What real difference between the godly and the wicked, the Paved and damned ? 14eß. t 4. Have you foundout any lower place for Love and Obedience, then to be bare conditions, if you acknowledge them any way conducible to final JuUification, or Salvation ? If you have, what place is it ? and how called ? and why hath it not been difcoveredunto the world ? To lay they are goali- . fications of the Srsbjel7,is toogeneral,and compr;zeth qualificati- ons of different Natures ; and it (hews not how they are con- ducible to the faid ends ; and why a man may not bé faved with- out qualifications, as well as with them, if God have not made them fomuch.asconditions? Queft. 15. Seeing I afcribe not to Evangelical Obedience the leaff part of Chrifts Officeor Honor, nor make it any jot of our legal Righteoufnefs, where then lies theerror or danger of my Doecrine ? Kueft. 16. Donot thofe men that affirmwehave an, inherent Righteoufnefs, which is fo pronounced properlyby the Lawof works, accule the Law of God for bleffing and curling the the fame man and action? And how can that Law pronounce a man, or his Oaion righteous, whichcurfeth him, and condemn- eth him to Hell for that fame Ae`ion ? It makes me amazed to think what fhould be the reafon that Divinesconteft fo much, that it is theLaw of Works that ptonounceth them : inherently righteous, which they know condemns them ;,rather then the Law of Grace or newCovenant, which they knowabfolveth them that fincerely perform it.' When all Divines acknowledge an inherent Righteoufnefs, and that the Lawof , Works is ful- filled by none, and that it pronnunceth none righteous, butthe fulfillers : and when the conditionof the newCovenant mutt be performed by all that will be Paved : and when the Holy &bolt faith that it was by faith ( andfo pronounced, and mea- fared by the Lawof faith ) that Abel ( the fecund Righteous an in theworld) offered theexcellent Sacrifice, andby it ob- tained