Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

you mould not. T . Becaufe you affirm your fclf, that condi- tions have a moral efficiency : and then it feems when you fay Repentance, Confeflion, &c. areconditions, you mean they are morally efficient which is a giving more toworks then ever I did. 3. Becaufe you know it is the phrafe of f brill and his Spirit, that ,we are juiified By our words and works ; and it is fafe fpeaking in Scripture phrafe. 3. Becaufe you fay after that my Af ercions axe deftruttive of what Divines deliver : but the word By, if we are agreed in the fence, cannot be deftru- dive ; and except the phrafe only By, &c. be the difference, where is it ? Whenyou fay Repentance, eic. are conditions, and I fay they are no more : and i have nothing from youof any difagreement about the fence of the word condition.Lefl' you ihould doubt of my meaning in that, I underhand it as in our ufual fpeech it is taken, and as Lawyers and Divines generally do, viz. Eft Lex addita negotio, qua donee praftetur,eventnm fasf-- pendit. Vel eft modus, vel catafa qua fufpendit id good asitur,, quoad expoft faE10confi,metur,ut Gujacius. And whereas Condi- tionsare ufually diftinguifht into roreffativas,caufales ter mixtas, feu communes,I mean conditioner potefloti vas. Where you add that you fay only faith is the condition ¡unifying. 0,e, but I make a ¡unifying Repentance, &c, And whereas heretofore wehad only juftifying fiarth, now., &ç. ] I anfwer , t. If by juftifying Repentance, &c, you mean that which is ( as you fay Faith is) an inftrument orefficient Caufe, I never dreamed of any fuck : If as a Condition ; you confefs it your fell. 2. If you fpeak againft the fence, we are agreed in that for ought I know : If againft the phrafe, then ¡unifying Faith or Repen- tance is noScripture phrafe : but to be ¡unified By faith, and By works, and Bywords,are all Scripture phrafes: You fay, rat firmly hold that Repentance and other Exercifes of Grace are an- tecedent qualifications, and media ordinata,in the life whereof only Pardon cate be had : but What is this to me ? &c. I anfwer. r. Add conditions as you do in your Book, and you fay as much as L 2. If by the other exercifes of Grace you mean the particulars in your book enumerated, or the like ; and if by Pardon, you mean even the firfl pardon ( as the wordOnly (hews you do ) then you go quite beyond me, and give far more,roo thofe exer- cïfes