Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

You fay the queftion is [w iietl er the Go pel righteoufnefs be made ours otherwile then by believing ? ] and tell me that I fay [ by believing and obedience ] when I never Rated fuch a quefti- on, nor ever gave fuch an anfwer. I fuppofe by [ Gojpel Righte- oufnefs] you mean Chrifts Righteoufnefs given toBelievers Now I have affirmed that [ ;bo¡eonly fhall have part in Chrifts fatiafaRion, 41.4fo in hire be legally righteous who do believe and obey the Çofpel, andfo'are in thefnfelves Evangelically righteous. But your phrafe [ made ours', doth intimate that our first pofÍ'ef- fion of (:brills Righteoufnefs Mould be upon Obedience as well as Faith ; which I never affirmed : But Chrifts Righteoul- nefs is continuedours on conditionof obeying him, though not made ours fo : and we iliall be jutlified at Judgement alto on that condition. As it is not marriage duty, but Contrae which is the condition of a womans fit it I ntereft in her Husband and his riches; but marriage duty and the performance of that Co- venant, is the conditionof ber Intereft as continued. And in- deed it is muchof my care in thatBook to fhun and avoid that queftion which you fay is Rated between us : for I knew how much ambiguity is in the Word [ By ] which I was loth to play with. I know we are jullified By God the Father, By Chrifts fatisfac4ion, By Chrifts absolution, By the Gofpel Co- venant or Promife, By the Sacraments, By Faith, By Works ( for I will never be albamed to (peak the words of the Holy Choft) By our words ( for fo faith Chrifl) Therefore ifyou will needs maintain in general, that Chrifts Righteoufnefs is made ours, no otherwife then by beleiving, nor otherwifeconti- nued ours ; you feehowmuchyoumull exclude. But to remove fuch Ambiguity, I diftinguiíh between juftifying [ By ] as an efficient inftrumental Caufe, and [ By ] as by a condition : and I hill affirm that. Works or Obedience do never juftifieas any caufe, much lets fuch a caufe ; but that by them as by acondition appointed by the free Lawgiver and Juftifier we are finally jufti- fied. And truly Sir, it is pail my reach at prefent to underíland what you fay lets in this then I,except you differ only about the word [143, and not the fence ; and think that it is improper to fay that Pardon or Juftification is By that which is but a condition: Youkern here to drive all at this, and yet me thinks you