Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

( 24 ) Argument 4, If we are juftifjed by Chrift as Prieft, Pro- phet and Kingconjun &ly, and nvt by any of thefe alone,rnuch lets by his Humiliation and Obedience alone ; then according to the Opponents own Principles ( who argue from the diftinc Irtereft of the feveral parts of the ObjeEt, to the diftin& In tereft of the feveral acts of faith ) weare jufti.fied by believing in Chrift as Prieft, Prophet and King , and not as Humble and Obedient only. But we atejuftified by Chrift as Prieft, Prophet and King, &c. Ergo, &c. The Confequence is their own. And the Antecedent I (hall prove from feveral texts of Scripture, and from the nature of the thing, beginning with the laft. And tirft it is to be fuppofed, That weare all agreed that the blood and Humiliation of Jefus Chrift, are the Ranfome and Price that fatisfieth the juftice of God for our fins, and accor- dinglymuff be apprehended by the believer : And many ofus agreealfo, that his Aaive..obedience as fuch, is part of this fa- tisfaction, or at leaft, Meritorious of-the fame effect of our juftification. But the thing that I am to prove,is, that the Me- ritorious Caufe is not theonly Caufe.and that Christ in his other actions,is as truly the efficientCaufe,as in his meriting, and that all dó fweetly and harmonioufl;r concur to the entire effect ; and that faith mutt have refpect to the other caufes of our j uftifa cation, andnot alone to the MeritoriousCaufe, and that weare Juífifiedby this entire workof Faith.and not only by that Act which refpects the fatisfaction or merit. And firft, I fhall p rove that Chrift doth actually jultifie us as King. Theword lttfÈffication, as have often faid ( and its paft doubt) is ufed to fignifie thefe three Acts. Firft, Condonation, orcon- ftitutive Juítification, by theLawof Grace or Promife of the Golpel. Secondly , Abfolution by fentence in Judgement. Thirdly, The Executionof the former, by actuall Liberation from penalty. The lait is'oftener call'd Remifïionof fin ; the two former are moreproperly called Juftification. First, As for the firft of thefe, I argue this : If .Chrift do as King, and +.:enefactor,(on fuppo1 tionofhis antecedent Merits,) Enact the I aw of Grace or promife by which we are juñified then doth he as Kingand Benefactor jufli6'e us by Condonati- on. i