Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

120 The Life '.of Faith. bought with money, As 8.) To enable them to (peak with tongues, to heal difcales, to prophefie, &c. as they thcmfelves had done, which is a great atteflation of Omnipotency. 14. And the lamentable detiruâion of Jerufalem by the Romans,foretold by Cbrift, was an atteflation of Gods POWER in the revenge or punithment of their unbelief, and putting Chrift todeath. 15. And fo was the great fortitude and conffancy of Be- lievers, who underwent all perfecutions fo joyfully as they did for the fake of Chrift ; which was the effeá of the corro boatingPower of the Almighty. 16. And fo was the Powerwhich the Apofiles had to exe- cute prefent judgements upon the enemies of the Gofpel, (as Elimaeand Simon Magus) and on the abufers of Religion (as Ananias and Saphyra) and on many whom they excommu- nicated and delivereds.up to Satan. 17. The fame evidence is found in Chrifis Legitlation, as an univerfal Soveraign.making Laws for heart and life, for all the world: Taking down the Laws of the Jewith Polity and Ceremonies, which God by Mofes had for a time letup : Com- mandinghis Miniiers to proclaim his Laws to all the world, and Princes and people toobey them : And by there Laws, conferring on Believersno acts than forgivenefs and falvation, and binding over the impenitent to everlafling punith- ment. 18. But the great and continued imprefs of GodsPower, is that which together with his Wifdom and Love, is made and (hewed in the converfion of mens fouls to God by Chrift. You may here fitti confider the numbers which were fuddenly converted by the preaching ofthe Apofiles at the fitti. And in how little time there were Churches planted abroad the world And then, how the Roman Empire was brought in, and fubducd to Chrift, and Crowns and Scepters refigned to him ; and all this according to his own prediEtion, that when he was liftedup, hewoulddraw all men to him ; and accord- ing to the prcdietions of his Prophets. But that which I would elpeciallyopen, is, the POWER which is manife(led in the work of the Spiriton the fouls ofthen, both then and to this day. Hitherto