Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

The Life of Faith. yet as long as it is not ufcd by the Spirit.uf God in the Scri- ptures; and there are other phrafes enough, which as well, or better, exprefs the true fenfe, I will never hold it neccf- fary. So allo the notions and phrafes of [Faith being the infiru- ment of our 7u(lification] and [Faith juffifieth only abja3ively] and [rbat Faith luffifietb only as it receivetb Chrifts blood, or Chrifts Righteoufnefs, or Cbriff as a Prieft] [that Faith is only one phyfical ail : that it is only in the underftanding ; or only in the will ; that its only 3uftifyingail is Recumbency, or reffing on Cbrilffor ju¡tificetion ; that it is not an aiïion, but a pillion that all ails ofFaith fave one, and that one as anail, are the works which Paul excludetb from our 7utlification; and that to expea 7uJfification, by believing in Chrift for Sanctification, or Glorifica tian, or bybelieving in him as our Teacher, or Ring, orJuffifying ytedge, or by Repenting, or Loving God, or Cbrift, as our Re- deemer, or byconfejng our fns, and prayingfor Pardon and3u- ftification, etc. it to expect Jufftfication by Works, and fo to fall fromGrace or true Juffifeation ; that be that will efcape this per - nicious expectance of pejtificationby Works, muff knowwhat that one act of Faith is by which only we are juftified, and nsuft ex- pect Juftification by it only relativey (that is, not by it at all, but by Chriff, fay fome) or as an Inffrument (fay others) &c. Many ofthefe Affertions arepernicious errours; moll ofthem falfe; and the bell of them are the unnecrffary inventions of mens dark, yet bufie wits, who condemn their own Dot nine . by their praF.fice, and their prance by their Docrine ; whilst they cry up the fuflicieocy of the Scriptures, and cry down other mens additions , and yet fo largely add them. felvcs. Dire8. io. Take beed'left parties and contendings tempt you, to layf o much upon the rightnotion or doctrines o f Faith as t o t ale up-with thefe alone as true Cbriffianity ; and to take a dead Opi- nion, inffeadof the life of Faith. This dogmatical Chritlianity cheateth many thoufands into Hell, who wculd Pearce be led fo quietly thither, if they knew that they are indeed no Chriflians It is ordinary, by the advantages ofeducation, and converfe, and teachers, and 159