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The Epifle. Dr, Parker, Dr. Temkins, the Friendly Ze- bate, Dr. Afhton, Mr. Hollinnuorth, Dr. Good, Mr.Hinkiy,theGounterminer;Mr. L'Ëbange,. Mr. Longs' and many more And as my flesh is no more.' in love with poverty and fcorn than yours,' nor was I more uncapabie of fuch a lot as yours ; fo I here teftihe-that no than is more inexcufable than I, that have dwelt fo long in pain, fo neer the grave, if I have been fo madas to filence my felt., and 'chofe a Gaol among malefac`Fors ( where I have lain) and bitter accufations and. prole- Gutions, for any. thing of this world that I could hope for, or for any thing lets' than my aivatton. And .either I am an utter ftranger to n-i317 felf, or elfe I was willing to know the Truth: and Liberty andWealth is lifer tobe a byas, than that which the Law decreeth againff us. But if I be fo unhappy as to be lancapable ofunderfanding the lawfuinefs ©f all that is made neceí ary to the Minitlry,) ou Ahould better think of it before' beg the ramie Of all that are as ignorant ás I. Had you told us how to corne to , au - m°afitì e of knowle , -t'i,e, we would thank )#u e: When I askt Bi`hop Morley filch a queflion, he fed me' to read Bilfòn and Looker, 'wile' I found more than I approvea for refilling-, or refraining Kings; and had long before read them andSeam: 'i.,z, Bilhop Dct :,arr., S alaten- jis,