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the .Epif k. with fuch ufage as I have had already : But I mull: fay, that if fuch as the Counterminer will fay that to fear fuch fn as Ihave here named, by one that is not willing to be damn- ed, is Freafon, Reberlion,Schifm,Fat1ion,Pride, 'OAjlinacy ; this will not pats with me for con- vincing Argument, on which I mayventure my falvatìon. Yul. Scaliger exercit. tells us, that in France our Bicott, the Learned Scho©lman, was envied by another for his Auditors in Phdofophy, and his crafty adver- fary told the King, that Bicott was a Peripa- tetick, and Ariftotle was againft Monarchy: There needed no more, and Bicott was call down. As for them that think that to name the late Wars is a Confutation of Nonconfor. mils, as if they knew not that they were railed on both fides by Conforrnifts (Heylin in L ,vds Life will tell them who.) I now on- ly äpeat, [Silenceall that had a hand in thole , s (except the Conforniiffs) and no more, andIand tho / znds willgive you t/'ank' : f plead n -)t for my Pelf : The years are pail; in which I might have, better ferved the Church, had I been thought tolerable. I am at not un .apable now ofyour kindnefs, or of anygreat hurt that you can do me. A tor- rent of reproaching fcorntul words may cafe foremean minds,and ferve fore mens ends, but