Baxter - BX5202 B291 1679

[1 2 2] permitted in the Hofpital at Warwick, Mr. His vey, and Mr. Hind at Bunbery in Chefhire,and ma- ny more kept in (having fmall maintenance) be- ing in peculiar or priviledged places : Mr. Rath- band, Mr. Angier, Mr. 7ohnfon, Mr.Gee, Mr.Han cock, and many others oft filmed, had after li- berty by fits. Mr. Bowrne of ,tanchefier, Mr. Broxholm in Darbyfhire,Mr.Cooper`ofHuntington- (hire (at Elton) and many others fu fered more, and laboured more privately. Dr. Ames was invited to Franekera , fome were further alienated from the Englifh Prelacie,and feparated from their Churches, and fome of them called .Browniis, were fo hot at home, that they were put to death ; Mr. Ainfworth, ?ohnfon, Robinfon and others fled beyond feas, and there gathered Churches of thole that followed them ; and broke by divifions among themfelves. The old Nonconformifis being molt dead, and the later gone molt to America, we cannot learn that in 164c' there were many more Nonconformifl Ministers in England, than there be Counties, if fo many, 4. The Conformilts íhortly fell into diffenfion among themfelves, efpecially about three things, Arminiancfrn (as it was called and Conciliation with the Church of Rome, and Prero- gative: Dr.Heylin in the Life ofArchBifhop Laud loth fully open all thefe differences, and tells us that Archbifhop Abbot was the Head of one parry, and in point or Antiarminaanifm even ArchbifhopWhitgift before him, with Whitaker and others had ,wade the Lambeth Articles,driven the Arminian.r fromCambridge : King names had dilcountenanced them in Holland, and fent fix. Divines