Baxter - BX5202 B291 1679

mill's, than of the later fort of them were for the Parliament : 5. That the Archbifhop of Tork (Wiuiims) who had Tome time been Lord Keeper was one of theParliaments Commanders in North-Wales (as it is reported without de- nial.) 6. That moft Minifters are dead that were in-that War. 7. That the We tminfl'er Affembly, as is fiid, came thither almoft all Conformists. 8. Thar fa finall is the number of the prefent ilenced Minifters who had any hand in thole Wars, that if no other were efeted and filen- ced but they, the cafe would be judged compa- ratively very eafie, and it would be thankfully accepted, as hath oft been told. For moft were then youths at School, and in the Univerfities, and many lived in the King's quarters and gar- rifons, and many other never medled with Wars at all ; it being now about thirty four, or five years lince the War began. 9. That all the Wars that have been lince their appofirion to the Parliament and violence done to the perfbn of the King, were far from being owned by the common fort of the nowNonconformifts,as was raid, io. The Dottrine of Bilfo 2, Hooker, and Inch like, containing filch Principles as Parlia- ment-men then ufually profeifed is before men- tioned, though not fully recited,and is common- ly known ; and that the main body of the Par- liament, Affembly, Army, Commanders, Lord Lieutenanrs,Major Generals ofBragades,andSea- Captains, were profeffed Confotmifts of the Church of England. i 1. Laftly, We had hoped that His Majesties prudence had by the Ac`t of Oblivion long 'lace ended this part of the Con- tention ; but we find ftill form conformable Mi- nifters