Baxter - BX5202 B291 1679

[' 411 been called to many attempts for Unity,in which we have twice cone to an agreement with thofè honeft, f,eaceable, pious and learned Di- vines of the Church of E:.gland, who were ap- pointed to treat of it with us. But that figni- fied no±ping as to our healing, while Reafons unknown to us, or ineffable prevailed. 4o. Yet ß:°.l1 we trove been .called on toTell what we Ruck at, r. c _what tre defired, andwhat would fatiifie us, ( who defire nothingbut leave. to excercitè the Knit-try to which we were ordained) IA the Cant ftill goeth on among the ;gnome a lei t, as if we had never told them to this d'o r ; or as.i f lince the new confor- mity we had ever been called or had leave to tell them, or as if the fa e men would endure us to tell them our cafe of diiicnt and the rea- tons of it to this day,. Btìt the Judg is at the door. SECT. VIII. . The Matters of Fait, as to what is rrqvi- red of 1S,r, 6y Laws and Canon, to which we muff conform ; Anafa,ff of Laymen, I, F Layme, that will have any Govern- ment or Trutt in any City or Corpora- tion,is neceffarily required the taking ofthe fol- Oath and Declaration by a Law. rr 1 Swear that it is not Lawful upon any !C pretence whatfoevcr to take Arms agairfk " the King : And that 1, Abhor that Trayterous SC pofition that Arms may be taken ty Iiis ..Hutho- " my againft his Perfon, or againft thole that re " Coin-