Baxter - BX5202 B291 1679

his own ; if on the Parents account they have no right. And whether filch Godfathers aft be truly the Childs in Gods account ; 3. And it was beore enquired, In what fence this Godfather loth ( not p%om fe only that the Child fh4l bd.eve rt <,ge, but_) in the Childs name p,áfpfs that he cloth at prefsnt believe : And whether it be not enough [ and much more neceffary then the Godfathers faith) that he be the Child of a b,lieving Parent dedicating_ him to God. 4..And it bath been Chewed that Godfathers. promiCe themfrlves pa; tly to teach the Child, and partly to provide that_he.'be. taught all that a Chri,iian should learn as necefl'ary:'ro his'fouls health. 5. And that thefe Godfathers never ordinarily, give the Parents the lull reafon to believe that they have any purpofe to do any filch thing as they undertake : Which is perfidi= ouluefs in the weightieft, bufinefs :: And 6. alfo that (as loch ) they are no adopters or owners of the Child. 7. And allo how hard it is for any :.;rents ever to get better, Peeing 'wifer and çptter will not undertake it, in the fòrefaid conformable fence. 8. The fence and ufe° of Godathers is partly known by' the 'Pra Life of .Princes and great men, ( who muff be fup- pofèd to know beft, and be moffi righteous end exemplary ) < *vhò ufually by a Proxie are Godfathers to the Children of Foreign Prin- ces, or Great men, ( perhaps Papifts ) whom they never law, nor ever are like to fee their Chi'ciren. 9. Minifters mutt Aff'ent, Approve of and Co;;lent to, all this exclufion of the Parents, and prefentation, profeffion,undertaking and pro- ile of the Godfathers, which the Liturgy men tioneth