Baxter - BX5202 B291 1679

[1691 tioneth io. Conformifts are not agreed them -- felvres, of the true Office and undertaking of thefe Godfathers, nor of theyParents part, nor by whole right it is that one Child rather than others is to be baptized, and whether any at all thould be refufed, by whomfoever ( that is. a Chriftian ) offered thereunto. 8. The Rubrick to which we muff declare our Affent, Approbation and Content, bath this Ar- `c tick of faith. [ It is certain by Gods Word, that e` Children which are baptized, dying before they " commit afual fan are undoubtedly laved.] And the Rubrick at Buryal, excepteth all the unbap- tized from Chriftian Burial, according to the Office. 2. The Canon 68 and 69, fufpendeth any Minifter who (hall refufe or delay toChriften any Child without exception which is brought to the Church on Sundays or Holydays to be Chrift- ned, according to the Form in the Common- Prayer ; or if in cafe of danger he be defired to do it privately. Neither Rubrick nor Canon here except from Baptifm and certainty of fakation, any "Children of lurks, Infidels, Hea- thens, and Athe¡ffs, or thofe whole Parents re- nounce Chriftianity, and content not to their Chiidrens Baptifm fo be it any Godfathers as aforefaid bring them. 3. The Conformifts agree not of the fence of this Article ofFaith : Some hold t hat the word E Children here meaneth not [ All Children that are Baptized] but forne fuch only : But others affirm that this expofition is falfe, and contrary to the plain importance ofthe words, for it is an Indefinite, fay they, in re neceffaria , in the fenfe