Baxter - BX5202 B291 1679

[ phef.4.4. to 17. i 7'hef. S. iz, 13. Pei% 13 17, 24. art. L 5, 6, &c. I Tim. 3. 4e-t. 14. 23. 48..20. I COY. 16. I &C. XX, Chrifts Laws empower and oblige the Bishops or fenior Paftors to Ordain o- thers for this Minifterial fervice of the Church, and fo to propagate their order to the end of the world : By which. Ordination, I. They are judges of the perfons qualifications, whether he be fuch as Chrifts Laws admit into his Miniftrv. 2. And they folemnly inveft him in the office. But the Power with which they minifterially ieuveft him (delivering him poijeflion as Chrift appoint- ed) refulteth directly from theLaw or Donation of Chrift; 'As the power of a Mayor from the Charter of theKing, and not from the Eleftors or Invefters. None therefore have power given them by Chrift, to hinder fuch Ordination and Propagation of filch a Miniftry AU. 14. ' .3. Tit. i. 5. XXI. So exceeding great are the bene- fits and priviledges of being mrmbers of Chrift, and his Church univerfal and particular, that no unwilling perfon is immediately capable of it: Nor is it poffble ex natura rei, for any (adult ) perfon that confenteth not to be a Christian, or a Member of any particular Church. He cannot be a jufi Communicant againft his will ; nor pray and praife God with the Church ; nor take .a man for his Paftor, or ufe him as a Paitor,agair f his will : And God bath laid mens faivatton or damnation on the choice or refutal of their wiile Therefore no man can be the ;cif..'..-op o- .Tafor of a Church, either ae :lure, or truly do fáf1o, a- , gainfit the Church or Peoples will, or without their