Baxter - BX5202 B291 1679

L ; 4 ritable reviling each other, and their unpeace: able controverfies and contentions. XXXVIII. Chrift Iiir arelfpath inftituted the Bapt;Baal Covenant to be the Title of Vifible Members of his Church, and the Symbol by which they frail Le notified : And he hath com- jnndcd all the baptized as Chriftians, to Love each other as theyz(elves 3 and though weak in he.[ti;th., to receive one ancther, as Chrift re c - th us, but not to doubtful clifputations : and fo far as they have obtained to walk by the fame Fuic, ofLove, and Peace, and not to defpife or jw.dge each other for tolerable differences (much Jefs to bate, revile, or deftrov each other ;) and it f emed (iood to the Holy GhoP, and the rîaflles, to lay nogreater burden on the Churches, even of the Ceremonies which God had once command- ed, but 1!n%ecefjary things, fs 15. 28. And there terms of Church-Union and Concord which Chrift hath made, no mortal man hath power to abrogate. All things therefore of inferiour nature, though frerities and Good, muff be no ctherwire impofed by Rulers, than as may Rand with there univerfal Laws ofChrift, which are the true way to prevent Church- Schifrns. XXXIX. Princes by their Laws, or Pa- flors by confent where Princes leave it to them, sl,acT f) aifociate many particular Churches 3á-)s cr:Jer._. : correfpond:ncie and concord, and oopoín r i`13 times and places for Synods, and tech c ers in them, as are agreable to Gods iforefiid general] Laws, of doing all in Love, to ication and in orde.T; And how fat, if Rulers inkAald II:iris this cr. rail Rule, they are -et to be Cat) t.':d, we :F'av opened itáire XL. As