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Ch.9. aryl's transfiguration. St. Matk. A Devil call out. Ch. 9. became Ihining exceeding white as But I fay unto you, that Elias is in., fnow ; fo as no fuller on earth can deed come, and they have d one un- white them. 4. And there appeared to him whatfoever they lifted, as it unto them Elias, with Mofes : and is written of him. they were talking with Jefus r 7c fob saptií was Elias; (not the d and faid soul of Eliot reincorporate, but he that was 5. And Peter anfwere to Jefus, Mailer, it is good for a15 meant in Malachi: And they have uled him. 1 as they will dome ; as was terfècuted by to be here : and let us make three .Ahab, tabernacles ; one for thee, and one 14. And when he came to hie for Moles, and one for Elias. 6. difciples, he faw a great multitude For he wift not what to fay, for about them, and the fcribes quefti- they'were fore afraid. onining with them. 15. And 2. This was the performance ofthe fore- ftraightway all the people , when going Prornife they beheld him , were great- See on Match. 17. 1 amazed , and running to him, Note, For Glorified Saints from Heaven to y wait on Chrift in his own fplendour, was a faluted him. r.6. And he asked Glimpfe refèmbling his laft Coming. "2. if the fcribes, What queflion ye with the Sight of Chritt, Mofes and Elias, in glo- ,tfiem? 19. And one of the mul- rious Splendour made the Three Apoffles, titude anfwered and faid Mafter through the ftrangenefs of it, fore afraid: , r no wonder, if even the Thought of what we I have brought unto thee my Pon, (hall fee after Death, polfeis us with Dread, which 'lath a dumb fpirit : 18. And be our Hope and Joy wherefoever he taketh him , he 7. And there was a cloud that teareth him ; and he fometh, and overfhadowed them : and a voice gnafheth with his teeth, and pineth came out of the cloud, faying, This away: and I fpake to thy difciples, is my beloved Son : hear him. that they fhould caft him out, and 7. Hear, and obey him, as the chiefMeffen- they could not. ger ofmy Will, of whom I give you this 14, &C. See on Matt. 17. 14. N. The flit Teltimony from Heaven. ciples yet had not thefull rower, that they 8. And fuddenly when they had had after Chrift'sRefurreáion. looked round about, they faw. no 19. He anfwered him, and faith, man any more, fave jefus onlywith O. faithlefs generation, how long themfelves. 9. And as they came mall II be with you ? how longThad down from the mountain, he char- I fuffer you ? bring him unto me. ged themthat they fhouldtell no man r9. The want of Faith in you, did more -what things they had Peen, till the to in Pruftesration, than the want of Power Son of man were rifen from the my dead. io. And they kept that 20 And they brought him unto fay- ing with themfelves , queftioning him: and when hefaw him, ftraight.l one with another what the riling way the fpirit tare him, and he fell from the dead fhould mean. on the ground, and wallowed, fo- 10, &c. Tho he had oft told them of his ming. 13elùrrretion they, underftood him not. 20. Here is the pefeá deferiptian of an 1 r. And they asked him, faying, Epilepfie : And the follyofAtheifts tells them, That Natural Difeafes are not be imputed to Why fay the fcribes that Elias mutt Devils : That is, Be@aufe an Axe, or a Halter firlt come ? r 2. And he anfwered kills a Man ; therefore the Law, the Judges, and told them, Elias verily cometh or the Executioner are nocaufesof is firft, and refloreth all things, and a1. And he asked his father, how it is written of the Son of How long is it ago fine this came man , that he muff fuffer many unto him ? And he faid, Ofa child. things, and be fet at nought. 13. 22. And oft-times it hath caft him into,