Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. i o. Forfake all. St. Mark. Anbition 'reproved. Ch. r o: place mens tru(in them: and filch asdo fo up to Jerufalem, and the Son of man cannotbe true Chriftians and be faced. !hall be delivered unto the chief N.'To truft in riches is to take them for ourheft and to take and expe& more corn- priefls, and unto the fcribes : and fort from them, than fromChriß and hea. they !hall condemn him to death, ven. and !hall deliver him to the Gen- 2.6. And they were aftoniihed tiles. 34. And they !hall mock cut of meafure , faying among him, and !hall fcourge him, and themfelves, Who then can be fa- !hall fpit upon him, and !hall kill ved ? 27. And Jefus looking upon him : and the third day he !hall them, faith, 'With men it is im- rife again. poffrble , but not with God : for 32. When they were before put in far withGod all things are poflible, of going to Yerulalem, he told them again 27. N. Sure the inordinate delire to be plainly, what and how he muff Puffer, and rich muff needs fignifie unbelief: Can men rife again. N. Of all Prophecies, this is the feek that which they believe maketh their moft confirming. falvation almoft impoffible ? The fame I fay 35 And James and John the of murmuring poverty, fons of Zebedee come unto him, 28, Then Peter began to fay unto faying, Mailer, we would that thou him, Lo, we have left all and have Ihouldetl do for us whatfoever we followed thee. 29. And Jefus anfwe- !hall delire. 36. And he Paid un- red and Paid, Verily I fay unto you, to them, What would ye that I There is no man that hach left íhould do for you ? 37. They laid . houfe, or brethren, or fillers, or unto him, Grant unto us that we father, or mother, or wife, or chit may fit, one on thy right hand, and dren, or lands, for my fake and the the other on thy left hand, in thy gofpel's. 3o. But he !hall receive glory. an hundred -fold now in this time, is. &c. They came with their Mother. N. houfes, and brethren, and fitters Tho this might Phew a (tong belief of his Re- am), furre&ion and Kingdom, if it were fpokenas mothers , and children , and here placed , next his telling them of hiss lands, with perfecutions, and in Death and Refurre&ion : yet afterward this the world to come eternal life. 31. Faith feemeth to be almolt forgotten : and But many that are f rfl, !hall be lafl : they were far from perfe&, while they were fo lelfiih, ambitious and prefxnptuous in their and the lati, fill. requeft. 29. &c. N. To forfake them for Chrilt, is 38. But Jefus faid unto them, rather to dilpleafe them, or part with them, Ye know not what ye ask : can ye than with Chrilt and our Duty; when they Rand in Competition, as comforts, or in op drink of the cup that I drink of?.- pofition, as adverfaries; it is not to forfake and be baptized with the baptifm them in Paffion, or for want of due Love to that I am baptized with ? them; nor to go into a Monaftery, or as re- 38. It is meeter for you to confider whe. bellious Prodigals, or on any unjuß caufe, diet you can fuffer with and for me. 2. A hundre fold in this life, is m value: 39, And they laid unto him, We God will here do, better for them, in things can. And jefus faid unto them, of greater worth. And all Chrißians [tall be endeared to them in Love and Communi Ye thall indeed drink of the cup on. that I drink of ; and with the bap- 32. And they were in the way tifm that I am baptized withal, !hall going up to Jerufalem : and Jefus ye be baptized : 4o. But to lit on went before them, and they were my right hand, and on my left amazed, and as they followed they hand, is not mine to give, but it were afraid. And he took again Jhall be given to them for whom it is the twelve, and began to tell them Prepared. what things Iliould happen unto 39 N. Their purpofe was good, but not their felfconfidence. 40. It is to be given him, 33. Saying, Behold, we go by way of reward to the Inuit txcellcnc and mtcr,