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Ch. i6. ChrO's commifon St. . 9. Now when dim. was rifen ear- ly the firs} day of the week, he ap- peared fill} to Mary Magdelene, out ofwhom he had cafe feven devils. 9. The refs were near her. o. And the went and told them that had been with him as they mourned and wept. xo. Shewas the firftMeffengerofjoy to the mourning weeping disciples. r 1. And they, when they had heard that he was alive, and had been feenofher, believed not. t I. Note, Chrift's disciples found a great dif- ficulty to believehis Refurre&ion : and he took them not at the worft. r a. After that he appeared in a- nother form unto two of them; as they walked and went into the coun- trey. 13. And they went and told it unto the refidue: neither believed they them. 54. Afterward he appeared unto the eleaven as they fat at meat, and upraided them with their unbelief, and hardnefs of heart, becaufe they believed 'not them which had feen him after he was rifen. ai. Markdoth butgiveus a brief touch of force ofChrift's appearances, and leaves much, recorded byothers. Note, unbetiefand Hardnefs of heart, are radical fins in us, and of difficult cure. Note, Chriff findeth fo much of these in us, as to upbraid us with them, as our fault and flame; and dire&eth us what to blame and retail in our felvea. 5. Andhe Paid unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gofpel to every creature. r6. He that believeth and is baptized, !hall be laved but he that believeth not, !hall be damned. t r. To all men as far as ye are able. 16. He that uupon your preaching believerh the Gofpel, and sincerely giveth up himfelf in the Baptismal Covenant to God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghoft, by a praCical and obedient Trutt, and Dedication, ¡hall be forgi- ven andbe Paved from Sin, from the curte of Mark. to the Apoflles. Ch. r. the Law, from Satan, and from Hell, But thofe to whomyou preach, who will not be- lieve, and take nre for their Savipur, and God for their God, shall be condemned to Hell as refuters ofSalvation. 17. And thefe figns !hall follow them that believe ; In my risme shall they call out devils, they thall fpeak with new tongues, 18. They !hall take up ferpents, and if they drink any deadly thing, it 111a11 not hurt them ; they !hall lay hands on the Fick, and they !hall recover. x . And because it cannot be eape&ed that all peoplebelieve things fo ftrange and unlike- ly to nature, uponyour bare affirmation, 1 will by fending down the Holy Ghoft, atteft your word by there miraculous signs: They that be- lieve, and fpecially you my Apoftles, shall in nay name cart out Devils From the pofeffed, and make them obeyme and confers me : You ball 'Peak in various Languages, which you never learnt. Poison lisa!! not hart you, either Ser- pents outwardly , or taken inwardly : And you Shall pray and lay your hands on the tick in my Name, and they tits1! recover. Note, a. That not everyone Lail have all these gifts, but forceone, and tome another ; not that you (hall tire them, when and how you will, t*at as pleafeth the Holy Ghoft that giveth them. 19. So then after the Lord had fpoken unto them, he was received up into heaven, and fat on the right hand of God. r9. 14ote, His Afcenfion they beheld, and his Glorification they believed, by the Spiritere- velation. 2o. And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirm- ing the word with figns following. Amen. 20, And accordingly they began in yudab, and thence went abroad through the Gentile World, every where preaching the Gospel of Chritt, (his Perlon, Life, Dottrine, Sufferings, Refurre&ion , Afceníon , Kingdom , Judg- ment, Glory, andBluffing to his Church.) The Lord by his Grace making their teaching fùe- refsful, andaflìfting, and confirming it by the promised Mirlelcs. The