Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. ;. Chri['s St. Luke Genealogy. Ch. 3. tmprifonand perfecute his reprover, was wit- which was thefon of Matthat, which ked in Herod above all his former wicked- was thefon ofLevi, 3o. Which Wá5 nets thefinof Simeon, which was the fon 21. Now when all the people ofJuda, which was the fon ofJofeph, were baptized , it came to pals, which was the fon of Jonan, which that Jefus alto being baptized, and was the fon of Eliakim, 3 rr Which praying,the heaven wasopened : 22. was the fon of Melea, which was the And the holy Ghoft defcended in a finof Menan, which was the fin of bodily shape like a dove upon him, Mattatha, which was thefon of Na- and a voice came from heaven, than, which was the fon of David, which laid, Thou art my beloved Which was the fon ofJelfe, which Son, in thee I am well pleafed. was thefon of Cabed, which was the 21, 22. Note ; Baptifm, with his own Pray- er, were the means thus miraculóu(ly appro. fen of Booz, which was thefan ofSal- vedby God, in which he will bear witne s to mon, which was the fin of Naalfon, his Son from Heaven. 33. Which was the fin of Amina- Nre, The dcfcent of the Holy-Ghoft on dab, which was the fon of Aran, thrift, withGod's vocal Teftimony, was a t which was thefon of Elrom, which inveftitureof him in the office, bf the Captain of our Salvation, who was to mark our was the fin ofPhares, which was his -Sealdiers with the fame gift of the Holy- the fon of Juda, 3+. Which was the Ghoft, and-his adopting word. fon of Jacob, which was the fin of J 23. Anúefus himfelfbegan to be mac, which was the fon of Abra- about thirty years of age, being (as ham, which was the fon of Thara, was fuppoqd) the fon of Jofeph, which was the Jon of Nachos-, 35, which was the fon of Heli, 24. Which was the fon of Saruch, which Which was thefin of Matthat, which was the fin of Ragan , which was was the fin of Levi, which was the thefinofPhalec, which was the fin fon of Melchi, which was thefin of ofHeber, which was thefon of Sala, farina, which was thefonof Jofeph, 36. Which was the Jon of Cainan, 25. Which was the fin of Mattathi- which was the fon of Arphaxad , as, whichwas thefinofAmos, which which was the fon of Sena, which was he fon ofNaum, which was the was the fon of Noe, which was the fin ofElli, whichwas thefonofNag- fon of Lamech, 37. Which was the ge, 26. Which was the /on of Ma- fonof Methufala, which was the fin ath, which was the fonof Mattathi ofEnoch, which was the fin of Ja- as, which was the Jon of Sernei, red, which was the fin of Maleleel, which was thefin ofJofeph, which which was thefin of Cainan, 38. was the finof Judah, 27. Which Which was the fon of Enos, which was the fon ofJoanna, which was was the fon of Seth, which was the thefin ofRhefa, which was the fon fon ofAdam, which was thefon of ofZorobabel, which was the fon of God. Salathiel, which was thefon of Ne- 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 3t, 32, 3 ri, 28. Which was the fon of Mel- 34. 35, 36, 37, 35. He enteral on his publick chi, which was the .fn of Addi, office about fhb ty : And now young Novices which was thefon of Cofam, which run into the Mini try. L^ rrciteth the p!. degree of ff ph , and fl auI,eae of Mary. was the fon ofElmodam, which was Whence had Lash that part of the pedegree the fon of Er, 29. Which was the that is not writ ten in the Scripture before ? fin ofJofe, which waS the fon ofE- an¡ By other Hifloryand Tradition, with the liezer, which was the fon of Jorim, help ofGod's Spirit. The Genealogical Conttoverfies I pars by K-4. CHAP.