Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. 16. rh; unjofi St. Luke. Steward. Ch. i 6 C H A P. XVI. r. A j ND he faid alto unto his difciples, There was a cer- tain richman which had a fteward: and the fame was accufed unto him that he had wafted his goods. 2. And he called him, and ,laid unto him, How is it that I hear this of thee ? give an account of thyRewardíhip : for thou mayeft be no longer ftew- ard. I, 2. Note, we are all God's Stewards, our time andblefítngs are his Goods, of which we mull fhortly give Account, and nail here be no longer Stewards. 3. Then the Reward Paid within himfelf, what (hall I do ? for my lord taketh away from me the ftew- ardíhip : I cannot dig, to beg I am afhamed. 3. Note, r. Nature teacheth all Men, in danger and mifery to fave themfelves, and Rudy which way they may efeape, and be provided for. 2. There is fomewjtat for our (elves to do for our own welfare. 3. Wemuff think firft, what is not to be muffed to, and what way we mutt not take, before we think what way to truft and take to. I cannot dig, be. We cannot fave our (elves, and the World cannot fave us, therefore to trait to thole, we are fare will deceive us, that is not the way. 4.. I am refolved' what to do, that when I am put out of the fteward- íhip, they may receive me into their houles. 4. I will make me Friends that will receive me when I am cult off. Note, r. When we are lure no other way will fave us, and have found the only way that will, Self-love and Realms mould Coon refolve us what to do, and what to croft to. a. The way tobe refolved on, is that which will help us when all others fail. 5. So he called every one of his lord's debtors unto him; and faid unto the firft, How much oweft thou unto any lord ? 6. And he faid, An hundred meafures of oyl. And he raid unto him,' Take thy bill, and fit down quickly,and write fifty. 7. Then Paid he to another, And how much oweft thou ? And he laid, .An hundred meafures of wheat. And he Paid untohim, Take thy bill, and write fourfcore. s, 6, 7. Note, They were ready for their commodity to join in the fraud. 8. And the lord commended the unjuft fteward, becaufe he had done wifely : for the children of this world are in their generation wifer then the children of light. 8. Nate, His Lord that hared his fal hood, yet commended his wit. 2. 0 that we had as much wit and care, and diligence forour Soul's everlafting welfare, as fake worldly Men have for this vain World! 9. And I fay unto you, Make to your felves friends of the mammon of unrighteoufnefs ; that when ye fail, they may receive you into ever- lafting habitations, 9. It is counfel of great importance to you; fo to ufe your time and eftates, which worldly Men abufe to fin, that when you muff fhortly and ceriainly'die, and leave all your wealth behind you, ye may be received into the ever- lafting heavenly Manfions. Note, T. The Wealth, that by the wicked is abufed rodamnation, may, by Believers, be ufed to Salvation. 2. All this World will fail and forfake us. 3. It is not thole that we do good to, but yet it is God, for the good we do them, that will receive us into Heaven. 4. This is a Teftimony of the Soul'sImmorta. HIT, and of the Life to come : When we leave this World, we are received into everlafting habitations. ro. He that is faithful in that which is lean., is faithful alto in much : and he that is unjuft in the leaf}, is unjuft alto in much. to. God will much judge Men according to their ufe of the little things of this Worid, and willjudge them meet for the great things of Glory, that have ufed thefe well : But he will judge them unmeet for heavenly felicity, that