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Ch.6. OfStcret Prayer. St Matthew. A FormofPrayer. Ch.6. 7. But when we pray, ufe not things areOfThee, andThroughThee, and vain repetitions, as the Heathen To Thee; fo Thouart our Ultimate end :And do : for they think that they (hall Wife, and Goodhand IHolygNmehm Great be heard for their much fpeaking. known, and thine forth, and be glorified, 8. Be not ye therefore like unto and holily regarded upon Earth, and not them : for your Father knoweth blasphemed , or be unknown and dike- what things ye have need of, be- garded by Átheiíts, Infidels, or wicked Hy- pocrites ask him. nor the honour of men be let up fore Y againft Thee: But that the Nations of the 7. When you pray, do not fo repeat over Earth and all Societies, and our own felves, the fame words, or lengthen your Prayers may bewholly devoted and live to thy Glu- with unmeet repetitions , as the Heathens ry. do, that think canting over certain words, And our next Petition is, that the world, or fpinning out Prayers to fuch a length, is or its Societies,or our own and our Brethren acceptable to God : Or as if God were Souls, may not be given up to the wicked moved by terms or length. For God is Tyrannical Kingdom of Satan, or men that your Father, and knows what you need are his Minifters, and governed by him, nor before you fpeak, and pitieth you according to theWars, Blood and Cruelty of fuch : But to your needs : And your Prayers are not that thy Divine Government, even.the King- to move and change him, but by exercifing slum of the Maffiah may come on Earth in your own delires, and faith , and repen- that fulnefs as may deßroy the Kingdom of tance, and thankfulnefs, to makeyou fit to Satan : that Faith, Love and Righteoufnefs receive his further gifts. r may be the confutation of Societies and g. After this manner therefore Souls ; and the Reign ofGrace may prepare pray ye : us for Glory ; which we fpecially pray for 9. I will give a Perfe& diredory for the And our third Petition is, that in this thy matter and order of your defres and pray- others, Kingdom, Societies and Souls, our own and ers, and M words but fummaril ht for your ufe, when you Governing Will,,and in pratce obey it, pray y and in Faith, Hope and Love, with joyful 9, 10. &c. Our Father which Truft expe& the promifed reward, and pa- art in Heaven, Hallowed be thy tiently fubmit to thy Fatherly corre&ions and name. Thy kingdom come. Thy dilpofals. And that in all thefe aforefaid will be done, on earth as it is in three requefts, this Earth grown fo heaven. Give us this day our dai- near to Hell, may bemade more like to them bread: And forgive in Heaven, who Know, Love, and Obey, us our debts, $ , and Glorifie thee, with Perfe&ion, Unity as we forgive our debtors. And and full Delight. lead us not into temptation, but And becaufe thou haft made our natures deliver usfrom evil : For thine is fuch as cannot but love our Calves, and haft the kingdom, and thepower and bound us to leek our own and others wet- fare, and Grace prefuppofeth Nature, and the glory, for ever. Amen. dur Being is neceflary firft to our DYeUbeing; 9, &r. We come not to thee as oui un- Therefore our fourth Petition is, that thou reconciled avenging Judge , but as to our wilt fupport our Natures, and maintain them merciful Father reconciled to us by Chris ; by neceffary food and futenance, and make The only God, whole Glory is eminently us content with thy allowance, and fave us in Heaven, infinite in perfr &ion of Being, from covetoufnefs and over-much love to and of Power, Knowledge and Goodnefs, worldly fulnefs, prosperity and wealth, and our Abfclute Owner, our Supreme Ruler, caule us to fubterve thy Providence byour and our molt loving Father by Creation, Re. wife and diligent labours, and not to forfeit drmption and Regeneration, whole we are, thy maintenance by our fclf-confidence, and whom we mutt ferve, and whom we nefs, or vitious fen(uality , nor turn our mat love and truft ; we are finful, needy, flrength to ferve our finful Luft. miferable, and unworthy in our felves, but And knowing that Holinefs and Juftice re- thy Children by Chrift our- Interceffor, who quire the punishment of Sin, we next be- is worthy ; whole hearts are by delire to- fetch thee to look on us in Chrift, whom wards thee as our God, and to the good of thy Love and Mercy Cent into the world to others as our brethren, as well as by neceffi- beaSacrifice and Propitiationfor fin; whole cy to our own felicity : We know, thatas all Perfe& Righteoufnefs and Sacrifice have me- rited