Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. n. 2. Mercy before, &c. St. M 9. If inftead of ignorant precifenefs for Ce- remonies, you had but learnt the true meaning of God, in his preferring Mercy before Sacri- fice, you would not have thought that Cere- monies and Externals are commanded men for their hurt, and mull be obferved against Mer- cy to our Pelves or others : God's Commands are all for man's good ; and he maketh not Externals and Ceremonies for a Stare to hurt Men. You would not have cenfured theguilt- lefs as finners, had you underftood this. Note, This (twice repeated) molt openly condemneth the Papal Church- Government. 8. For the fon of man is Lord even of the fabbath -day. 8. And as Mofes s Law was but to lead men toChrift, in whom it is fulfilled; fo it cannot bind any againft him and his Authority, and Paving work; for which works fake all things are delivered into his hands ; even the Law and Sabbath, of which he is Lord. 9. And when he was departed thence, he went into theirfynagogue. so. And behold, there was a man which had his hand withered : and they asked him, faying, Is it lawful to heal on the fabbath days ? that they might accufe him. 9, t o. Note, That the ceremonial outward ftridtnefsof hypocrites, is :Zed to enlhare and hurt thofe that are not of their mind. r r. And lie faid unto them, What man (hall there be among you, that 1h01 have one (beep, and if it fall in- to a pit on the fabbath day, will he not lay hold on it, and lift it out ? II. Will you not draw a Sheep our of a Pit on the Sabbath day, ifyou hove but one. 12. How much then is a man bet- ter than a (beep? wherefore it is law- ful to do well on the fabbath-days. au. It is lawful to prefer and' do a greater duty before a lefs, 13,, Then faith he to the man, Stretch forth thine hand : and he firetched it forth ; and it was re- fored whole, like as the other. 04. Then the Pharifees went out, and held a council againft him, how they might deliroy him. I3, se. Note, That it is part of the Religion of Hypocrites, to deftroy Men for doing the greateft good against their Laws. 15. But when Jefus knew it, he withdrew himfelf from thence: and great multitudes followed him, and atthew. Trull God. Ch. I2. he healed them all. 16. And charged them that they (hould not make him known : x S, x 6. Note, x. It is a duty to avoid the hands of Murderers and Perfecutors, unlefs when our Sufferings are like to do more good than our Lives. a. Chrift forbid themmaking him known, partly to avoid the envy and rage ofPerfecutors, and partly becaufe the time was not yet come, till all his works fen together with his Relùrre&ion and Spiri;, fhould make up a full proof. 17. That it might be fulfilled which was fpoken by Efaias the pro- phet, faying, 18. Behold, my fer- vant whom I have chofen, my be- loved in whommy foul is well plea- fed : I will put my fpirit upon him, and he (hall (hew judgement to the Gentiles. 19. He (hall not (rive, nor cry, neither (hall any man hear his voice in the ftreets. zo. A brui- fed reed (hall he not break, and frnoking flax (hall he not quench, till he fend forth judgment unto viflory. 2 r. And in his name (hall the Gentiles truft. 57, be. In all this he fulfilled what was prophefied by Ifaiah, Behold, &c. Himwhom I have fcle`_ted for this work of Salvation, in whom I am well ,pleated, as fulfilling all my will ; He Shall have the fuinefs of the Spirit; and he :hall teach the Nations the way ofTruth and Righteoufne(s ; He fhall not fubdue men by Tumults, Violence, or Wars, but as the Prince of Peace and Grace, he Shall deal geni- Iy with the weak, and cherish the leafs de- gree of goodnefs, and pardon the faults of the penitent, and not ufe feverity of Juftice, tilt he have gathered his Church out of the World, and overcome and judged his final enemies: And it is he in whom all Nations (hall be blef= fed. 22. Then was brought unto him one poffeffd with a devil, blind and dumb, and he healed him, infomuch that the blind and dumb both fpake and faw. 23. And all the people were amazed, and laid, Is not this the fon ofDavid? 22, .2 The.People were fo aftonifhed to fee his Woks, that they fold, Sure this is the Mefáh the Son of David. 24, But when the Pharifees heard it, they faid, This Mellow Both not call out' devils but by Beel-zebub, D the