Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. t. Horrible Punfhment It they did feem Chrifttans, have tuttid the Do- fkrine of God's Grace in Chrift into a Doarine and Praaice of Lafciviouftaefs and Licentiouf- nefc, and denying Jefas Chrift, who is the on. fy LordGod, and our Lord (or the only God andour Saviour, &c.) Note s. One ofSaran's chief ways against zhe Church and Religion, is to corrupt st by ere les. z. Corrupters creepfeererly into the Church, at unawares, and do not openly bring iii all at once. 3, Tho' God ordain or decree noman's fin, he both decreeth and foretelleth their Condemnation for fin. 4. It is ungodly Men that are ufually the great corrupters ofthe Church andDoarine: s. Libertinism, Loofe- nefs and Senfuality, are the ufual dangerous ways of fuch Corruptions, as being the way melt 'bitable to Mon's corrupt Nature, and which will have nioft Followers. i. I will therefore put you in re- theihbrance, though ye once knew this, how that the Lord having faved the people out of the land of Egypt, afterwards deftroyed them that belie- vednot. s. As the ifraelites perifh'd in the Wilder- *efs for Unbelief, after all their miraculous de_ tverances from Egypt, fo ¡hall Revoltersperith, notwithstanding their Baptifm and fairbegin- nings, 6. And the angels which kept not their fiat cftate, buf left their own habitation, ,he math referved in ever- lifting chains under darknefs, unto the judgment of the great day. 6 And the Angels that flood not in their fn. tegriry, but fell by fin, Godbath fltgt up as it were Prifoners in Chains (tho'theygo about all the Earth with Temptations) in certain expe- aation offuller cdndeäínation at the great Day ofJudgment. 7. Even as Sodom and Gomorrah, and thecities about them, in like man- ner giving themfelves over to fornica- tion. and going after ftrange flefh,are let forth for anexample, fuffering the vengeance ofeternal fire, 7. As Sodom &c. were by Fire from Hëa- ven utterly deftroy'd, by God's revenging ,Judgment, â. Likewife alto thefe filthy dreg- oilers defile the flefh,defpife dominion, and fpcak evil of dignities. 8, So thefe Hereticks, dreaming ofhigh win. dom, are turn'd to felhly lufts, and to defpife Government, and (peak contemptuonfy or re- proachfully of Superiours, as if Chrift bath ide, offrilfe Teachers. Ch. f freed men from Humane Rule, and made all equal, and all things lawful ( when yet they deny evenChrift himfelf, inTome Eflentials of his Perfon orOffice.) 9. Yet Michael thearchangel, when contending with thedevil, hedifputed about the body of Mofes, durft not bring againft him a railing accufation, but faid, The Lord rebuke thee. chief with a principaleDevi about Angel ú lthe rebdingtogf the)ewifn Temple, Zech. 3. durft not bring railingAccufation, butappeal'd toGod. Nate r. There are Differences and Superiori_ ties among the Angels and Devils. It teems by Dan, t o. t 3, 2 r. art Angels have their feveral earthly Provinces in charge, and that Michael was Prince Of the Jews. 2, The badne& and vanity of Maligamus will not juftifte railing Ac tloh again(} them, when it may riot be us'dagain(} Devils; yet their Evil mutt he de_ Ceded, that it may be fruftrated. 1. By the Body ofMofes, fome underftand his buriedBody, which Satan would have jdoliz'd ; and others his Body in theBasket, which Satan would have ó be the Temple, Law,eandiewiih Policy like the ody of Mofa , as the Church is call'd the Body fChr. to. But thefe fpeak evil of thofe things which they know not: but whit they know naturally, as brute beafts, in thofe things they corrupt themfelves. to. But these, pretending to know what they db not, (peak evil ofthe things which they know nor, being proud and ignorant of their Ignorance i but what natural Senfe or Reafona_ bienefs conftraineth them to know, their Luft prevaileth again(} it, and they live in Debau- chery, as if they knew it not to be evil. Note, Cc's the common mark oferróneoss men to be confident where they mfltake, and to cenfure and (peak evil fiercelyof that which they never underftood, and to fin against that Knowledge which they have, or eafily might have, 1. Wo unto them, for they have gone in the way of Cain, and ran greedily after theerrourof Balaamfor reward, and perished in the gain-fay- ing of Core. r t. Woe to them, for they have imitated Cain in offering God a faith efs Sacrifice, and envying and perfecuting them that do better : And they are covetous Worldlings, that, like Balaam, would do Evil for Reward or Gain : And they have imitated Core in oppofrpg a ièJis and