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Ch. z s. Thejlotbful doomed. St.Matthew. fl e saljudgnient. Ch.2 5. 24, 25. Thefear of thy fverity made me from another, as a fhepherd divided' chink it fafeft tokeep thy money meetly from his fheep from the goats : 3 3. And being loft. he{hall fet the flee ò N. Hard thoughts of God make men back p n his right ward to his fervice, which is a work of Loves hand, but the goats on the left. and linfulfear is an enemy to holy diligence 31. dyc. Thecoming of Chrift Mall be in, and fruitfulnefs. Glory, with all his holy Angels, who fervod 26. His lord anfwered andPaid un- him here for the goodof his Elea ; and to him, Thou wicked and flothful as Judge hefiall fit on his throne of Glny : And all Perfòns andNations shall be called by fervant, thou kreweft that I reap him to Judgment, and he fhall rep state them where! (owed not, and gather where as ihcep and goats, dye. I have notftrawed : 27. Thou ought- 39.. Then {hall the king fay unto eft 'therefore to have put my money them on his right hand, Come ye to the exchangers, and then at my bleflèd of my Father, inherit the comingI {hoiud have received mine kingdom prepared for you from the own withufury. foundation ofthe world. 26, 27. Note, i. God will take a flothfiul fervant for wicked fervant : unprofitablenefs andomffron ofduty, is damnable unfaithful- nefs in us that are but Stewards and Servants. Todono harm is a praife fit for a (lone and not for a man. 2. To confefs God's holy Govern- ment, and yet to be unholy, is to be felfcon- demning. 9is. Doti this Text jufliNe ufury? ,Anf h fpeaketh of that fort of increafe made by ex- change and trading, without reproof, and with Teeming approbation. Gain by Trading and Merchandife is one fort of Ufitry all Usury is unlawful which is againft yuftice or Charity. Andall other is lawful ; and tom_ that is a Work óf Charity is to fume a day. 2.8. Take therefore the talent from him, and give it unto him which s5, 36. N. t. Thefe works are noted as the effects ofFaith and Love, without which bath ten talents. 29. For unto every theywould havobeen but deed works. z. The One that hath {hall be given, and he caufal(for) fignileth not any meritby column- ¡Ilanhave.abundance : but from him tacivejuftice, as giving God any benefit. But that hath not {hall be taken away, their mural qual,Jcaason and t mess to receive the Kingdom freely given, but on fhch ceoncti- even that which he hath. tions, that we Sìgnilìeour thankful. acceptarcè 28, 29. He Shall be deprivedof the mercies by true devotednefs to Chrift. And thus all of this life, who improved them not for a bet- are judged (that is, finally juftihed or condem- ter life, when he that fo improved them Shall ned) according to theirworks, as judged by the have an abundant reward, the mercies of this Law of Grace and Faith, and not by .14, s s life and that to cOme. Law, or that of lanccency. 3. Love to Chrift 30. And caft ye the unprofitable is not fincere, if it will not caufe us to prefer fervant into outer darknefs : there his intereft in his poor Saints, (much more in {hall be weeping and gna{hi no. of the whole Church) before our gale, Wealth, andSafety. teeth. Then {hall the righteous an- 80. N. r. Omiflion and unprofitablenefs is 37 damning Sin. 2. Hell is called Fire for pain, fwer him, Paying, Lord, when law and Darknefi for uncomfortablenefs. we thee an hungred, and fed thee ? 31. When the Son of man {hall or thirfty, and gave thee drink ? 38. come in his glory, and all the holy When faw we thee a {ranger, and angels with laim, then {hall he fit up- took thee in ? or naked, and clothed on thethrone of his glory. 32. And thee? 39 Or when law we thee: before him fhall be gathered all na- fick, or in prifon, and came unto tions ; and he ¡hall feparate them one thee ? . 34. Then Chrift Shall pronounce this fentence on the Faithful, Come, dye. N. O comfortable words, (Come,) Whither ? ToChrift, to God, to Heaven ! t yebided of my Farber,) lure filch (hall be bleffed indeed, (inhere} riot only ufe (the Kingdom,) in participationwith the King ofGlory, [prepared faryou] by eternal love and decree. 3 5. For I was an hungred, andye gave me meat: I was thirfìy, and ye gave me .drink: I was a {ranger, and ye took mein : 36. Naked,and ye clothed me : I was lick,-and ye visited me : I was in prifon, and ye came unto me.