DAXTER'S POEMS. When he the nations unto Christ would call, And build his church as Catholic anew. 119 Sin soon prevail'd; their land was dry and small; Seldom from under enemies and waste; But they God's oracles preserv'd for us, And from their vine we all salvation taste. But as in nature God works by degrees, From seed to infancy, from thence to youth ; From thence to manhood and maturity; So did he in revealing grace and truth. Fall'n man his infancy and childhood had In the old law's dark types and prophecies : But in time's fulness God incarnate came, The sun of righteousness to mar-'<.!lid rise. Three laws he did fulfil, one as a man, · Once made ·for all; another as a Jew; The third as Saviour, proper to himself; Then for his church, he made another new. He preach'd God's will; proclaimed saving grace, Brought to ·light life and immortality; · Declar'd God's love, shew'd man God's pleased face , A sacrifice for sinful man did die. He came to conquer Satan, destroy sin, And heal sick souls of worldly fleshly love, To raise the earthly mind of man to God, And bring him to a better life above. Words were too weak for this, his works must do it· He was to teach man how to bear the cross, To deny life and live above this world, · For Heav'n to count all here as dung and loss .