Baxter - HP PR3316 .B36 1821

120 BAXTER'S POEMS. Wonder of wonders! God appears in flesh, Preacheth to sinners, calls them home to God, Dies for them as a sinner on a cross, Till the third day among the dead abode. Himself the greatest wonder, many wrought, Heal'd all diseases, gave the blind their sight, Raised the dead, by present bare command; Long, before many, in the open light. The third day rose from death, stay'd forty days; Describes his laws, church-covenant, and seals; Commissions his apostles ; promiseth His spirit which all saving truth reveals. Ascendeth up to Heaven before their eyes, And before multituJes at Pentecost ; Gives them the gift of miracles and tongues, , By giving them the promis'd Holy Ghost. They preach Christ to the world, speak various tongues, '\Vork miracles, heal sickness, raise the dead: Convey this power and spirit unto others ; Thus through the world, the world of life they spread. These many wonders, not in corners wrought, Converted thousands, conquer'd unbelief; But, above all his great convincing works, The spirit's sanctifying grace was chief. The erring know the truth; fools are made wise, The proud made humble, wrathfulonesmade meek, The world's fond lovers now do it despise, Kill fleshly lusts, and Heavenly glory seek.