Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

P A It T H. ReverendMr. Richard Baxter. a Ad r r- Permitting you to fhppofe [Orthodox] and [Épifcoparian] to be the fame, at prefent; you may eafily know that the Epifcopalare not all of a Mind, but differ, I think, much more among themfelves, than the moderate Epifcopal and Presbyteriansdiffer : 'fome maintaining that the Ordination of meer Presby- ters is not null, with divers the like things ; which the novel fort doth difclaim. Theold Epifcopal Proteltant may not only takea Cure ofSouls now without any Contradi&ion tohis Principles, but may comfortably Affociate with the peaceable MimicryoftheLand; and may not confcionably avoid it. The Novel fort be- fore mentioned, ought to reetifie their minakes, and fo to takeup their duty; but as they are, I fee not how they cando it in continency with their Principles,unlef under theJurifdi &ionof a Billion. Ad14'. For the Point of the legalityof the.Liturgy, you call me to determine Cafes in Law, which I findmy felfunfit for And for the Directory, its Nature is ( according to its Name) notto impofe Words or Matter, nor bind by human Authority, but to dire& Men how to underhand God's Word coneerning theOr- dering of his Worlhip. Now either it direeteth us right or wrong : Ifwrong, we mull not follow filch Dire&ions : If right, it's no unlawful difturbance of the Churches Peace to obey God's Word upon their Dire&ion t Circumhances, where- in Tome place moll of their Government, they . very little meddle with. And in- deed I know but few that do much in theorder ofWorfhip eo Nomine becaufe it is fo in the Dire&ory ; but becaufe they think it molt agreeable to God's Word ; or molt tending to Concord, as things now nand. Would you have us avoid any Scriptureor orderly Courfe, meerly becaufe it is expreffed in the Dire&ory? And think you thofe are Ways of Peace ? Ad er. I think ( on the Credit of others ) that the Jewilh Church[lad a Litur- gy ; I am lure they had Forms of Praifes and Prayer in fome Cafes, I know ; Chrih taught his Difciples the Lord's Prayer, I will not determine whether as a Dire&ory for Matter and Order, or whether as a Form of Words to be ufed, or when, or how oft ufed : I conje&ure you regard theJudgment of Grotius, who faith inMatt. 6.9. [ grew : In beer Senfum : Non mien prrvcipit Cbriftus verba recitari, plodnee legimus ApeJtolos fceife, paanpuam in plaguefieri cumfrutto poteft fed mareriam ?cram bine premere. ] i. e. Pray thus ; that is, to this Senfe : For Chrih cloth not command the faying of the Words, nor do we read that the Aporles did it, though that altomay profitably be done ; but hence to fetch the Matter of Prayer. ] You know the Dire&ory advifeth the ufe of the Words : And how it was that 7obn taught his Difciples to pray, I cannot tell ; nor will herein pretend my felf wirer than I am. The Example of thePrimitive Church is never the more imita- ble for the Celfarionof Perfecution; and its Example before is molt to be regard- ed, that befog purell that is next the Fountain. We are fore that the Church longufed extemporate Prayers, and its probable betimes, fome Forms withal. I think they are hrangely Dark and addi&ed to Extreams, that think either that no Forms are lawful, or that onlyprefcribed or premiditated Forms are lawful. And if you willcondemnall publick extemporate Prayers, you will err as gray as they that willhaveno other. Ad 16'". I know no necelGty of any Godfather or Godmother, befide the Pa- rents, unlefs you will call chore fo, that incafe of theirneceffary Abfence are their Delegates. Nor do I know that ordinarily among us anyDietates or Prayers are ufed that a fober Chriftian baththe lean reafon to CoupleCommunion in. Will you have a Parlor that shall not speak in the Name of the People to God ? or will you call hisPrayers [ his own ] whichhe puts upby Virtue ofhis Office, accord- ing to God's Word? Ad tr'°, I think they cannot without Sacriledge make fuch Alienation ; except where God'sConfent canbe proved. For Example; if the Minifters ofthe Church have full as much means given, as is fit for the Endsto whichit is given, andyet the People will give more and more, to the Burden andenfnaring of the Church§ and the impoverifhing or ruin ofthe Commonwealth, hem I think God confents not to accept that Gift, and therefore itwasbut an Offer, and not plenarily aGift, for want of Acceptance; for he accepts not that which he prohibits. Here there-. fore the Magirrare may rerore this to its proper ufe. But whether this were any of the Cafe of theft ( Sacrilegious) Alienations too lately made inthis Land, is a far- ther Querion : I apprehend a deep Guilt of Sacriledge upon fore. Ad 18 ". The Particulars here mentioned mutt be dil in&ly confdered: X a á. Abort