Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

320 The LIFE ofthe LiB.I. ever were in the ChriftianWorld. All which Impofitions, are made yet more grievous, by that Sabforiprion to their Lawfalneß, which the Canon exabts, and bq the heavy Punifhment upon the Non-obfervaneeof themwhich the All of Unifor- mity inflidts. And it being doubtful whether God hathgiven power untoMen, to inftituré in his Worfhip fuch Myftical Teaching Signs, which not being necefrary in genre, fall not under the Rule of doing all things decently, òrderly, and to edification , and which once granted will upon the fame reafon, open a door to the Arbitrary Im- poliition of numerócs Ceremonies of which St. Augafiine complained in his days ; and the things in Controverfie being in the Judgment of the Impofers confefldly indifferent, who do not fo much as pretend any real Goodnefs in them of them- felves, otherwife thanwhat is derived front their being impofed, and confequendy the Imphfition ceafing, that will ceale alfo, and the Worfhip of God not become 'indecent without them. Whereasin the other hand on the Judgment of the Oppofers, they are by fonte held finful, and unlawful in themfelves ; by others very inconvenient and unfuita- ble to the Simplicity of Gofpel Worfhip, and by all of them very grievousand bur- thenfome, and therefore notat all fit to be put in ballance with the Peace of the Church, which is more likely to be promotedby their removal, than continuance: Confrdering alfo how tender our Lord and Saviour himfelf is of weak Brethren, declaring it much better for a Man to have Milfìone hang'd about Sir neck, and be c ft into the depth of the Sea, than to offend one of his little Ones: And how the Apa- tite Paul ( who had as great a Legiflative Power in the Church, as any under Chrilb ) held himfelf obliged by that CommonRule of Charity , not to lay a flan. bling block, or an occaftan of offence before aweak Brother, chafing rather not to eat Hell, whiles the worldHands (though in it fell a thing lawful) than offend ha Brotherfor whom Chrifi died. We cannot but delire that thefe Ceremonies may not be impolèd on them, who judge fuch Impofitions a Violationof the Royalty of Chrilt, and an Impeachment of his Laws as infufficient, and are under the holy awe of that which is written, Deut. 12. ;a. ( What thing farmer 1 command you , obferve to do it ) Thou f salt not add thereto, nor diminifh)Som it) but that there may be either a total Abolition of them, or at leaf' fuch a liberty, that thofe who are unfatisfied con- cerning their lawfulnefs or expediency, may not be compelled to the Praótice of them, or Subfcriptionto them. But may be permitted to enjoy their Minilterial Pun&ion, and Communion with the Church without them. The rather becaufe thefe Ceremonies have for above an hundred years been the Fountain of Manifold Evils in this Churchand Nation, occafioning fad Divifions between Minifters and Minifters, as alto between Minifters and People, expofing many Orthodox, Pious, and Peaceable Minifters, to the difpleafure of their Ru. lers, calling them on the edge of the Penal Statutes, to the lofs not only of their Livings and Liberties, but altoof their Opportunities for the Service of Chrilt,and his Church ; and forcing People, either to Worfhip God in fuch a manner as their own Confidences condemn, or doubt of, or elfe to forfake ourAfremblies, as thou- fonds have done. And no better Fruits than theft can be looked for from the re- tainingand impofing of theft Ceremonies, unlef we could prefrme, that all his Majeity's Subjects ihould have the fame Subtiltyof Judgment to difeern' even to a Ceremony, how far 'the Power of Man extends in the Things of God, which is nor to be expe&ed, or fhould yield Obedience to all the Impofitions of Men con- cerning them , without inquiring into the Will of God, which is not to be red. We do therefore molt earneftly entreat the Right Reverend Fathers and Bre- thren, to whom theft Papers are delivered, as they tender the Glory of God, the Honour of Religion, the Peace of the Church, the Service of his Majefty in the Accomplifhment of that happy Union, which his Majefty bath fo abundantly te- ftified his Delires of, to joyn with us in importuning his molt Excellent Majefty, that his moll gracious Indulgence, as to theft Ceremonies, granted in his Royal Declaration, maybe confirmed and continued to us and our Pofterities,andextend- ed to fuch as do not yet enjoy the Benefit thereof. r9. As to that Foliage in his Maje(ty'sCommilfion, where we are authorized, and required to compare the prefent Liturgy, with the molt ancient Liturgies which have been tiled in the Church , in the molt pureft and primitive Times e We hava in Obedience to his Majefty's Commillion, made Enquiry, but cannot find any Records of known Credit, concerning any entire Forms of Litnrgy,with- in the firft Three hundred years, which are confefed to be as the molt primitive, fo