Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

PA ß T II. Reverend Mr. Richard Baxter. 32i fo the pureft Ages of the Church: Nor anyImpolirions ofLiturgies upon any Na- tional Church for fume hundreds of years after. We find indeed fome Liturgical Forms fathered upon St. Baf:l, St. Chryfoflome, and Sr. Ambrnfe, but we have not feen any Copies of them, but fuch as give us fufficient Evidence to conclude them either wholly fpurious, or fointerpolated, that we cannotmake a judgment which in them bath any primitive Authority. Having thus ingeneral expreffed our Delires, we come now to particulars, which we find numerous, and ofavarious nature ; fouie we grant are of inferiour Con- fideration, verbalrather than material (which were they not in the niblick Litur- gy of fo famous a Church, we shouldnot have mentioned) others dubious and difputable, as not having a clear Foundation in Scripture for their warrant : but force there be that feem to becorrupt, and to carry in them a repugnancy to the Rule of the Gofpel ; and therefore haveadminifred just Matter of Exception and Offence to many , truly religious , and peaceable ; not Of a private Ration on- ly, but learned and judicious Divines, as well of other Reformed Churches, as of the Church of England, ever Once the Reformation. We know much hath been fpoken and written by way of Apology, in An- fwer to many things that have been obje&ed ; but yet the Doubts and Scruples of Tender Confciences Rill continue, or rather are increafed. We do humbly conceive it therefore a Work worthy of thofe Wonders of Salvation , whichGod hath wroughtfor his Majesty now on the Throne, and for the whole Kingdom, and exceedingly becoming the Minifters of the Gofpel of Peace, with all holy Mode- ration and Tendernefs, to endeavour the removal ofevery thing out of the Wor- fhip of God, which mayjufly offend or grieve the Spiritsof fober and odly Peo- ple. The Things themfelves that are defired to be removed, not beingofthe Foun- dation of Religion, nor the Effentials of Publick Worship, nor the Removal of them anyway tending to theprejudice of the Church or State: Therefore their. Continuance, and rigorous Impofition, can no ways be able to countervail the laying afideof fo many pious and able Minifters, and the unconceivable grief that will arife to multitudes of his Majefy's molI Loyal and Peaceable Subje&s, who upon all occafions are ready to ferve him with their Prayers, Elfates, and Lives. Forthe preventing of whichEvils, we humbly defire that there Particulars fol- lowing, may be taken into furious and tender Confideration. Concerning Morning and Evening Prayer, Rubrick. Tr at olntng anti i 1ienfng Mom hall beufeti in the ac= eutometi place of the Qthutc , Chancel, n QLhappel s except et lle othettott'e Determinati bp the 9Dltií= nate of the place, anti the (Chancel (haltremain aD in ttmee pat. Rubrick. enti hem to to be note', that the 9bintter, at the time ofthe (tom= munion, anti at othertime%, in hi$ itúttatíon, than tire fuch9Dlna= mento in the (thatch, ao Were to atebp futhotitp ofh3arttament, in the erconkpeat of the lacign of Edward the ßHttb,aeeolDeng to tbg ett of Parliament. Exception. ST7E defire that the words of the VV firf Rubrick may be expreffed as in the Book eftablished by Authority ofParliament y ear 6 Edw.6. Thus [the Morning andEvening Prayer (hail be tied in fuchplace of the Church, Chappe, or Chan- cel, and the Minifterfhall fo turn him, ns the People.may heft bear, and if there be anyContreverfe therein, the matter Pall be referred to the Ordinary. Exception. Forafmuch as thisRubrick feemeth to bring back the Cope, Albe,6'e. and o- ther Veiments forbidden by the Corn- mon Prayer Book, I and 6 Edw. 6: and and fo our Reafons alledged againft Ce- remonies under our Eighteenth general Exception, we defire it may be wholly left out. Tt Áubrick,