Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

P A El T I. Reverend Mr. Richard Baxter. 59 Corrupted). But the Determinationof God againn it was molt obfervabie: For the verytime that I was bleeding the Councilof War fate at Ñottingbam, where (as I have crediblyheard) they first began to open their Purpofes and att their Part : and prefently after they entered into their Engagement at Triploe-I-kath. And as I perceived it was the Will of God to permit themto go on , to I afcerward found that this great Affliction was a Mercy to my elf; for they were lò prong and a- áive, that I had been likely to have had final! Succefs in. theAttempt, but to have loft my Life among them in their Fury. And thus I was finally feparated from the Army. § 86. When I had flayed at Melbourn in my Chamber three Weeks ( being a- mongStrangers, and not knowing how to get home) I went to Mr. Nowell's bottle at Kirby-Mallory in Leicef#erfhire, where with great Kindnefs I was entertained three Weeks : By that time the Tidings of my Weaknefs came to the Lady Roar in War, ceferfhire, who lent her Servant to feek nae out and when he returned , and told her I was far off,and he could nor findme,fhefent him again to find me,and bring me thither if I were able to travel : And in great weaknefs, thither I made fhift to get, where 1 was entertained with the greaten Care and Tendernefs, whileI continued theufe of means for myRecovery : and when I had been there a quar- ter of a Year, I returned to Kiddermialler. § 87. When I was gone from theArmy, the Parliament was moll folichonshow to keep them fromTumults andDifobedience : But Sir Henry Vane with his Party fecretly confederated with them, to weaken all others, and to flrengthen theSeRa- ries-: Whereupon they procured the Houfe to Disbandboth Major General M f fy's Brigade, and all other Field Soldiers, and the hooch CountyForces and Gar- rifons of molt Places, which among them had fober Men enow to have refined them. Thiswas the fuçcefs£ulleft A& that was done for their Defcgns r for now they had little fear of Oppofction. The Defign of Vane andCromwell now was not only to keep up an Army of Seâaries, when the Sober Party were Disbanded, but alfo to force the Parliament to their mind, and moddel it fo as that they fhould do their work ; ( which I had foretold fome Parliament Men oflong before) : One of the Principal Engines in this Contrivance was, to provoke the Parliament to pals filch Votes as the Army would be molt difpleafed with, and then to ilk up the Army to the deepen Re fentment of it. Accordingly theParliament voted that part of the Army Ihould go to Ireland, and part be disbanded, and part continued. The Leaders in the Ar- my incenfed the Soldiers, by perfwading them that this was to deprive them of their Pay, and to divide them, and when they had them at home again to ruine them as Settaries, and this wasthe Reward of all their Services. Whereupon at Triplet-Heath they entered into an Engagement to nick together, rl c. and were drawing up a Declaration of their Grievances; ( the aggravatingof fuppofed In- juries being the way to raife Mutinies,and make ufe of Fahtionsfor Seditious Ends) Quarter-Mailer General Pincher acquainteth Sir William Waller with their Defign, ( who with others was fent to the Army) andCol. Edward Harley (a Member of the Parliament and of the Army) acquainteth the Houle with it. Cromwell being in the Houfe doth with vehemency deny it; and faid it was a Slander,- railed to dilcompofe the Army by difcontenting them, and undertook that they llrould all lay down their Arms at the Parliaments Feet, and for his own part, .protefling his Submilfion and Obedience-to them. And this he did when he was Confederate With them, and knew of the Paper which theywere drawing up , and confeit it after when the Copy of it was produced, and prefently went among, them , and headed them in their Rebellion. In Ihort, he and his Cábal fo heightned the Dif- Contents, and carried on the New Confederate Army, that the Parliament was fain to Commandall that were faithful'to forfake them, and offer them their Pay to encourage them thereto : Commiffary General Fincber, and Major41,op, and Ma- jor Hantington, and many more with a confiderable number of Soldiers came off: But beingnot enow to make a Body to relit them, it proved a great Addition to their ltrength : For now all that were againn thembeinggone, they filled up their Places with Men of their own Mind, and fo were ever after the more unani- mous. 4 88. Upon this Cromwell and his Obedient Lambs (as he called them) advanced in the Profecution of their Defign, and drew nearer London, and drew up an Im- peachment againn Eleven Members of the Parliament, forfooth accufing them of Treafon ; viz. SirPhilip Stapleton, Sir William'Lewis, CoL Hollis, Sir John May- nard, Mr. Glyn, &c. and among the tell Col. Edward Harley (a lober and truly I2 religious