Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

6o The L I PE of the L I B. I. religious Man, the worthySon of a molt pious Father, Sir Robert Harley). And when thereby they had forced the Houfe to feclude them asunder Accufation,they let fall theirSuit, and never profecuted them, nor proved them Guilty. Thus begunthat Pride to break forth into Rebellion, which grew up from Suc- ceffes in impotent Minds, not able to conquer fo great a Temptation as their Con- quefts. When they had cart out theft Members , they thought that the Houfe would have done as they would have had them, and been awed intoObedience, but 1E11 they continued to croft them; and came not up to the Conformity expe- ded. A while after theCity feemed to take Courage, and would defend the Par- liament againft the Army, and under Major General MafJey and Major General Pointz, they would put themfeves into a Military pofturé: But the Army made hafte, and wereupon them before they were well refolved what to do, and the hearts of the Citizens failed them, and were divided , and they fubmirred to the Army, and let them enter theCity in triumph. Whereupon MaJJéy and Holler, and others of theaccufed Members fled into France, of whom Sir Philip Stapleton died of the Plague near Calice; and now the Army promifed themfelves an obe- dient Parliament ; but yet they were not to their mind. §119. Here I muff look back to the Courfe and Affairs of the King ; who at the Siegeof Oxford, having no Army left, and knowing that the $coto had more Loy. alty and Stability in their Principles than the Sectaries, refolved to calf himfelf upon them, and fo efcaped to their Army in the North. The Scots were very much troubled at this Honour that was call upon them : for they knew not what to do with the King. To fend him back to the Englirh Parliament feemed unfaith- fulnefs, when he had caft himfelf upon them : To keep him they knew would di- vide the Kingdoms, and draw a War upon themfelves from England; whom now they knew themfelves unable to Miff. They kept him awhile among them with honourable Entertainment, till the Parliament fent for him ; and they taw that theSectaries and the Army were glad of it, as an occafion to make them odious, and to invade their Land. And fo the terrour of the Conquering Army made them deliver him to the Parliaments Commiffonersupon two Conditions : t.That they lhould promife to preferve his Perfon in Safety and Honour, according to the Duty which they owed himby their Allegiance. z. That they should pre- fently pay the Scot, Army one half thePay which was due to them for their Ser- vice, (which had been long unpaid to make them odious to the Country where they quartered). Hereupon theKing being delivered to the Parliament, they appointed Colonel RichardGreases, MajorGeneral Richard Brown, with others to be his Attendants, and detred him toabide awhile at Homeby-Houfe in Nortbamptonfhire. While he was here the Army was hatching their Confpiracy : And on the fudden one Cornet foyce, with a party of Soldiers, fetcht away the King, notwithftanding the Par. liaments Order for his Secúrity : And this was done as if it had been againft Cram. well's Will, and without anyOrder or Confent of theirs But fo far was he from loling his Head-for filcha Treafon, that it proved the means of his Preferment. And fo far was Cromwelland his Soldiersfrom returning the King in Safety , that they detained him among them, and kept him with them, till they came toHamp- ton Court, and there they lodgedhim under the Guard of Col. Whalley, the Army quarterring all about him. While he was here the mutable Hypocrites firft pre- tended an extraordinary Care of the King's Honour, Liberty, Safety and Con- fcience. They blamed the Aullerityof the Parliament, who had denied him the Attendanceof his own Chaplains; and of his Friends in whom he took molt pleafure : They gave Liberty for hisFriends and Chaplains to come to him : They pretendedthat they would Pave him from the Incivilities of the Parliament and Presbyterians. Whether this were while they tried what Terms they could make with him forthemlelves, or while they acted any other part ; it is certain that the King's old Adherents began to extol the Army, and to (peak againft the Pref- byterians more diftaflfully than before. When the Parliament offered the King Propofitions for Concord, (which Vane's Faction made as high' and unreafpnable as they could, that they might come to nothing) the Army forfooth offer him Propolals of their own, which the King liked better : But which of them to treat withhe did not know. At laft on the hidden the Judgment of the Army chang- ed, and they began to cry for ynf?ice againft the King, and whh vile Hypocrite, so pnblifh their Repenrance,and cry God Mercy for their Kindnefs to theKingand confefs thatthey were under a Temptation : But in all this Cromwell and Ireton, and the tell of the Council of War appearednot: The Inftruments of alt this Work Inuit be