Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

'( 6.1 j ., Sure1y Sirs·, it is fo ea!ie a ~eUion to reafon it fe!f; where fin bath not blinded it, whether God or tbe ;r'r;rld be the better p~rt, chat one would think there fboulu be le1t no room for doubtmg. Dare ar~y of you fpeak out and fay, that earth is better then bea· ven, or fin then gra-ce, or temporal pl:;;~fure _then eternal h3pp~·nefs? I think you dare not:.Shame Wt il fo.rb1d you, and Coni Cl· ence will contradict you, if you fhould fay fo: And will you corn· mend God by your words, and difcomrncnd him by your lives? WilLyou f~y, heaven ubeft, and yet ~eek the Wvrld before it ; an~ not let it have the beft of ·your affeEttons and mdeavours ?Shall 1t .be high'"{f in your mouthes, and loweft in your hearts and liveJ ·? Shall' 1t have the fi-rft place in your prayers, and tbe ./aft in your labours ? Why then you commen.d (jod but to his dift;onour, and your condemnation : . You excoli~ heaven ~nd heaven ly things but to the confufi.on of your own faces , th1t your own con– feffions may be brot1ghc in herea"tet as wirneff~s againf.l you. In rbe name of God therefore 1 charge you, if you ·know which is the better part, condemn .not ypur .felvei by. making choic~ againfi your knowkdge. . ·4· C0!1fider alfo, that, thugood plflrt u offeredyou, and you ~¥veyour choice, 'Whether God or·the -world, whether hefi-1R11 · or•earth.fhall be your·portion. It is not Pun·hafing, or proper meriting, but chcofing the good · 'pat, that you are called to : It is not _[ Mary bath purchafed : ()r rneritedtbe be-tter part] blilt [ hath chofer;..the better part. J . 1wo things areJH~re contained. I. That it is not matter, of : bnpofsibility that you are ·called to; )'OU are not· excluded from ' the hopes of falvation , by any exceptions that God bath put in againlt you, in his promife, but it i§ conditionally made as well -to ' you as tO or hers.· . .2. And .the co~dition is not .any thing u~re4onable' , bwt your - .()wn cor:fent. Chnil (lnd falvatwn ar~ offered to -y9ur choice .: If you wtll but prefer them before the mfles of the:world, you may ·· h~ve them\ Th~door ofGr:ace .is open to you a.s w~ll as to others· , it you- wilt bat enter )iou .may live: y9U·are·not left in a remed~ · l.ef-s cafe,no: gixen o_ver to defpera~ion:yo..u c_annot fay, C~e.pait- . ~ng;:and Bebeving:mU...diJ m-nog.o.od.; ~ c~,n_na:r-ha'l.le CIYriJifrthoHgb '1 vY-c .wtr.e ~everjq witting _:J.~You.cannot.fay; [_We.W<Jnld fe~in ·haw: . .. - · ! , 3_3 · · · · fJIOrift)