Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

( ·6·1.) ,c br;jf and hu Spirit tr; f anl1ifie tU' but -we cttnn~t : we dre 'Willr:ng to be hiJ D1[ciples, hm be u not willing to accept m , and to be our ~avieur] you cannot fay fo, and fay truly: you cannot fay he IS fet to fale to you, and that he e:xpederh fucb a price as you are ll~able to giv~; for you are called to tak.J bimfruly; and though ;;-,thts be fomettmes calledbuying', yet it is a lnJ]ing without monry andwitboutprice, Jj.r. 55~· 1;2,3,4. AndtfJOugh you mufljetl ~~~you have for this unvalt1able pearl, Matt b. 13. 46. yet that Is but a Met:tphorica! felling, a parting with yoar fin and fldhly pleafure, as troubles an~_ impediments thaE would keep you from falvation: As a fick man fells his difeafes for health; or at lean, .~~ he bath health by forbearing fome hurtful things that pleafe hnn : Or as a prifoner purchafech the liberty that is freely given .bim, by.confeming to ,come fonh and call: off his fetteri . Your hands are full of dirt, and God offers you .gold, and yoH cannot receive it rill you throw away the dirt. This is your Purchafe .: YOtl give God noching as a valwable price for his mercy, "throwaway the fin that is inconfi!tent with your happinefs . Still liball tell you, [ yonmay have Chrift if youwill] pleafures and profits are flattering you to your dettruction, and God calls you ,.from them, and offer~th you his fon and everla£ling life, .and :u.•reateth you to accept rhern. And here you have your choice. · ;Ihe offer is, whofoever will, let him tak§ of the water of life free~ /y, Rev. 22.. 17. And if yota will but chufe that happinefs that is offeredyou, andChrift the way to that happinefs , all the world cannot bereave yot1 of ~our choice: le is brought to your hand and urged on you.""' You have now your choice, whether youwi l1 haveChrifi or the fle!h., grace or tin, heaven or hell : As you chufe, fo you fhall have: And if you mifsof life, it will be bef.· _ caufe you did not chufe it : ~ve1n 1 becaufe you d-wrmld Ndot comhe trJ 1Chriftthatpumighthavdi 1 e, 0 n ) . 40. an woul not ave him to rule overyuu, Luke 19. 27. and woHld not have the Lord indeedfor your God, Pfalm 8 I. 1 I. anddid not chufe thefe~tr of the 'Lord, Prov. I. 29. yea, when Chrift wouldhave gMheredyou, you wouldnot /Je ITathered, Mattb. 2 3. 37· It is this turning away of the jimple th11t 'dotb J!.ay then:, becaufe they refufe. when Chrift Cll/ls them, ~tnd reg>~rd not whenhe {fretchuh forth hu hand, but j et at nn.ugbt hucounfel, and will noneof his r~proof, Pro_v. I · 24, ::z.r, 32. 'Sa therrfo're ih~ttjM rcfufe not him that JPeakph ; fo r if ] Of!_ f!!U!_ rr!!'aJ fr~m ~~'! ~~~t fp ~~kJ fr~'!!_ ~~~~~1!. 1 ~'!.~ 14cgleD ~~ m~:"'-e . I . I