Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

. . l ,. t· 1- (·64') . '~.idingof a blinded mind ' nor from the feduction of a fe"nfual . 'inclination; nor from a.bafe and wicked difpojition o.f your own. · Thu kJi4d of free·will youjbcw us that you have: not. But is your wick..fdne{J your excu(e ? and is your wilfulnefs your inn~ce~cy ·! .What then can be culpPib.le ? ·. Sirs, I would nq; gave you abufe God, and be'fool yom felves with n~meJ and words, faying, You h.zvc not power atui free·wi!l ,. as .if you might: thus excu(e your fin: l have opened rhe matter in plain terms to you, tbat children may underfiand it,though learn– ed men have endeavomed to obfcure ir. God givcth youyour tihoice, though your owi4 WickJdnefs do hinder you from ch,ufing Aright. You have aprire in your h;mds , but fooiJ have not a heart totheirowngood, Prov. 17. 16. lknow you want bothwifdom and afa.ntlitied will; and I know that your minds and wills ar~ contrarily difpofed. You need not tell me that you are 'Wilful andwick!d, when there muil: be fo many r:~ords fpoken , and fo many Bot!kJ written, and fo muchmercyand pPZtience of God, t.tnd fo many ajfliai9ns from his hand, and all will not ferve to make you,chufe the better part. But if you were willing, if you were truly willing, the principal part of the work were done : For if youare willing , Chrift u willing ; and if Chrift be willing, and you. be willin[., what can hinder your falvation? Having laid from the plain Word of God~ methinks I may with this advantage now plead the cafe.,even with common Reafon. One thing u needfHl; the Goodpart is that one; ~nd this is .tcndredeo you by the Lord : What is it then that you do mak.; choice of? and what do yo refolve ? May you have Chrifi, and. Pardon, and Everlail:ing life, andwill younot have them ? Shall it be faid of you another day , that you h~td your choice, wbet~er you woPJ/d have Chrifi and life, or fin ancl death ; and you chofe defiruction and refufedlife? l befeech thee Reader, whofoever thou art that readeft rhefe lines , that thou wouldil a litde turn thine ears to God , and withdraw thy felf from the deltlGons of the fldh and world, and ufe thy reafon for thy C\'er· hfting peace ; and conltder with thy felf what a dreadful thing it will be, if thou be cveriafiingly tbut out of the prefence of God~ 11pon thy o\vn chuice ? And if thou lofe thy part in Chrifi, and Pardon, and everlafting Glory upon thy own choice : And if thou muil: lie in Hell fire, and Confcience mufi [ell thee there for ever, Yhou hfljluut thr fruit of .thine okn r;}Joi(!! Hefl71et) :wf.s [et ope7J ·-·- - --·-·-- " .. .. _ ..,. -·- - .. .. .. - ·- . . tli! ( ' ..