Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

( 63 ) · . r- ~ 1nak! light of fo greitt J11lvation, how do yo"N thin~ it p9{sihle )Oif." foeuldrfc,rpe ?Heb. 12. 25. & :z. 3.Mar. 22. 5· . But perhaps ~ome of yon will excuf~ your felves fo! _ w,anc of Fru-ws/1, and hy, Ho71 u Jt m ou: cho.ce when Go: mu!" . t.itJt m to -wi!J and tfJ dtJ ! and we can do norhmg of Mr fe/7JeS · have . we free-will or power to chufe the betterpart ? You muft not Jet up the poWer or will of man too high. . . . Anfw. No: its pu that would fet up your wills too- h:gh, t.n _ making us believe that you are not wilfully ungodly and tmpem... tent but omit all the good and do all the evil that you do, be– cauf; you cJinnot help·it. You cannot but know rhett lie is the fin.. -. ncr to be 6/amcdotnd punifbed ., that Can and Will not, rather thenhe that wo~tld but cannot dogooa, and forbear the contrary. You know that it is wilfulnefs, and not u11willing impotetJC) that the ver.ome of malice and nat:lghtinefs lyerh in; and th.crc. fore you are excuilng your \vi!Is, and laying all upon your Jmpa- . tency, which is but to~xcufeyour fault! .. I would make you kno\t the bafenrfsof your wills, and chat it is long Q[ your badnefs that · you are like to be undone,if grlCC prevent it not·by your through Converfron ..I do nor fay that you have any potter, but what you · luve from God; but I fay you have the Natural andLegal Powe , and more then Power, even a Gnmt and Offer of fuch a. mercy' from God : · You have humane faculties, and leave, and offers, and emrea.ties, andyou may have Chrift and life as he is offered if y@uwill. Whenifay,Ituinyrmrchoict, Idonotfaythatyoa ' , h~ve the wit or the heart tomak,e a right choice• . No: .ifyou had: 8ut fo much wit andgr11ce, I need nor ufe all thefe words to you , . toper/wade you to chufe the-better part. Your Wills arefree from any force that God pucs upon them to determitu them ro fin; or from any force that S?uan-or any enemyyouhave, can ufc to de-~ termine them to fin : ·All they can do is morally to entice you.' God cloth not make yo.u fin. I_f you chr;Je y~ur, death, and for- ·: f~ke your own mercy~ 1t ts not God that your Wills t&J , makJ thuchoice. Yea, he ccmm~tndeth·, :tnd prrfwadeth~ and urgcti:J~. you to make a6etter choice : And though Satan tempt you,he can You have fo muehpower, that you may have Chrifi ! tfy~u wdl :·you cannot fay, I am truly - willing to have · Chrdl ·and cannot. . Thus · much frN-wilt : undoub-tedly· you · have. lhrt fmu~ ~onfefs ~hat j'9Uf W.i/IJ.·are mt fru from the -mif~ - . - · · -- £,1;li~i·n·i ;