Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

(.9) mAy have hefl aa'vttntAge to ,hu soul_, dn~ therefore if he can, will hold perfo!'al local commruuorJ '!':th the beP And pure{I congregations ; but not· ttJ feparatt~g from the rejl, tmd betA-king himfeif to aParty fe:t agamfi t_he c_nurch univerfal, or aParty finfully dtfltt.nt from ot il ers m. t~e Church univer fal. 'The gnmd dejigr.J of the Devtl u, when men will needs loo-k Af ter Religion, to make them htluve that ·to b.~? of fuch aC hurch, or Party~ iJ to be Re– l igious, andto trttft to that inflead of G1 ~ d lme fs for the faving of their Souls. · LAnd carr~ttl fel{(eekmg Tet~the~J Are the principal injlrt~ments of thu ·dece1t ; who for the1r /;on~ur or commodtty would dranr away.Dt{ctplcs After t-hem, andmake poor Souls believe that theymujt be their folitJwers, . or of their ftde 1 or opinion, or church, if therwill be faved: The Papifl faith, You muft follow the Pope, and be of our church, or you are no trt:Je Catholicks, nor in 'the true church, and cannot be (aved : .And fome other Sells fay the like of their churches. And horv many thou{and ungodly wretches do think to be faved, becau(e the1 ArC fttch ·a Ch11rch or party. But the Catholick or Univerfal church, is the whol,e compAn1 of Be!ieverr Headed only by Chrzfl : andGodlinefs mufi prove thee a Living member of thiJ foc iety,unle[s thott wilt be burnt with the wttheredbranches : And God wdl never condemn any one that u truly Godh be· ctJrtje be unot of thi,Jfe8 or party ,or of thAt: And the Papifls that are the mofi notoriom felt and grand divide's ef the , Church, a~;~ condemners of the juflifted,Jh-dl know one day, that A,nbtc!on wM not erne~ e lig i on; and that the name of .unicy, and unive rf:1li ty and Antiqn it y, Jvcre unmeet injlruments to be ufed to the de{lrt1Bion of Unity, and con· tradicfton of Uni verfal icy and Antiqui ty; and. that God hath fee apar t: himfelf the man that is Godly, though the Accufer of the Bret h-ren woul1 ~ t~jl fu~h out, Pfal. 4· 1. A nd who ih tll condemn when It 1s CtJn!t tha t jLlfi ifie th? Rom.8.33. (c )· 3. To11