Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

('Io) . t'rJU "MY fee now, thAt Godlinefs is not 4»1 meer_cxttr·:· nal aCt: or wodhip : External wodhip there mu.ft he, and that .with all decencie and reverent beh,,:vio#r : hut it is hypocrifie if there he nothing hut the Corps without the I nternal Godlinefs which is the life and [out. Bodily exercife is .here hy the Apojfte diftinctfremGodlinefs. . 4· '1ou may now fee that Godlinefs is not the meer for– bearance of the outward aEis or praelice of any fin. For elfe "fleep, or ~ prifon might make a man Godly !Jy reJlraining him from the al1sof fin: . He i1 ungodly had rather live in the fin which thrsttgh fome rtflraint he doth forbear. If JOII would do ic, you have done ir, in Gods, arcor~>nt. 5.rou may fee aifo that what(oeverReligiou(nejs,oheditnce; Dr Endeavours fuhjeil Chrift to the flefb and world, andmake himgive place to themandcome 6ehind, do not de(ervethe n_ame of Godlinefs. Teu are not Godly, how f Ar foev er elfe you gpe, if God tmd your Salvation take nol plt~ce hf(ore all the honours, profits And ple~~:fures of the world• .As he is not God that hath any Greater, Wifer or .Bette r ·. then himfol/; (o that is not Godlinefs which giveth the prtcedency prttCiica!ly to tmy-thil;g hut God: !lut pretendeth" never fo highly to Honour him, a!fld1et more efteemeth their own Honot~r ·With the world: or thttt. profeffeth Love And o-bedience to him, ttndyet Loveth and obeyeth a Lufl before him, ttnd {ets more hy Love and obedience to themfelves, thenhy their own or other mens Love or obedience to God. · 4H t.befe are thecheating counterfeits of Godlinefs. 6. Andif none of thefe he Godlincfs) much. lefs dotb · it confift in any fin : in fuperjlition, I dolatr1, or in CYNi tlty, blood and-perfecutiQn through acarnal zeal: in ahring– ing tt!l others hy violence to our proud impiotu wills : in mur..:. ·muring'~ (edition, reheJJion, or refifiing lawful Powers, tmder prtte!lce. of propagating .. religien : .G1dlwe[s conftfteth not • - . . • . J . 1/J