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the Infidel wc.tid, [ rot, Tartary, Japan, China , Perra, &c.] is no part of any Bishops Uioceie. 2. And as to the work of a Preacher to iñe Infidels, it is the sNether it bedone by a Bishop or a Presby- ter : There is nothing todo for them but preach and baptize, and nei- ther ofthole is awork proper to a Bifhop. If it be faid that it is not becaufe ofthe object or the work are prop- er toa Bishop, but becaufe the fending fre!, a man for that work ig` proper tohim ; 1 anfwer, that when I have proved part contradit`.ìion that he fendeth a man to doas high a work as h could there dohimfelf, and to thevery fame, it théwcth that ex natura rei there needeth no higher order than the Miuifters to fend him: No more than there needetha higher progenitor thana man to beget a man. 2. And as his office is related to the Church-Vniverfal, all the fame argumentation will hold good. For the Church-Univerfal is the objeft of the Minifters office as wellas ofthe Prelates; and no more than his own Doctfe is the fpecial charge of a 13iocefan as fuch5 and the work to which the Miniffer isordained in general to the whole Church can no otherwife be proved lefs than t he Prelates, unlefsby proving a Di- vine inilitution (which they will grant: )) 2. Andas for a Divine inflitution as to the ordaining power, I will fay but thismuch, (which may take with cordate men) till Icometo fpeak more largelyof the point. r. That Door Hammond (and as far . as he knew, all that owned. the fame caufe with him) doth grant that the Apoftles (nor any other) in Scripture times did not fo much as inffitute theofficeof a Presbyter asdiftini from a Eithop, mulch lefs e- wer ordain any one to fuck an office: And that in all their Infiruu i- ons to Timothyand Titus about ordination of Bishopsorelders andDea tens; they havenot a fyllableabout any ordination or qualification of fuch fubje&r Presbyters, but only about ordaining Eifhops. Therefore ifBifhops be the fucceffors of the Apofiles in ordination, they cannot do more than they did ; nor ordain any other Presbyters than Bich opt._ 2. That ifBishops were the Infttutors ofPresbyters, as diffind from them by a Power of parcelling out their office to othersthan Bifhòps, yet havepower to make more forts of facred Miniffers, by fubdivifion: oftheir power. They may makeone cffice onlytoPreach, . andanother only tobaptize, and another only to pray, and another only toallmini- tier the Lords Supper, and another to Excommunicate, and why not. another toordaine ; and fo ordination (hall not be proper to a?Bithop.. And fo a Chancellorthat hath the parcel of excommunicating and ab- folveinga is-as true a. Clergy man, and of-as high original as a Plef hyter. 3. Butthat which Dr. Hammond -betaketh himfelfto at fall..(in his Anfwer to the London Miniffers) is as miferable a (hift as ever .a poor, eaufe was reduced .to (that had never flood if it had-not been more be X .3 holders.t