Baxter - HP BV4647 .S4 B39 1660

1. Se Ififb Difpofitions mull be dented, And r. Self-love. 73 Call of God, becaufe of the firmbelief and hope that he bath of the fruition of God in Glory, as purchafed and promifed by Jefus Chrift ; this is a Chriflian, a Difciple of Chrifi, a. true be, iiever ; and none but this. And (as I have told you) as God in Unity, and Father, Son, and Holy "Ghoft in Trinity, is the Objetaof our laving faith ; fo Carnal Self in unity, and Plea- fure, Profits, and Honors in trinity mutt be renounced and deni- ed by all true Chriflians ; as being that which we turn from, when we turn to God. So that in brief to deny your (elves, doth Generally confift in denying all your own Difrofitions and lige- ref's what focver as they are againti God the Father, Son or Spirit , or fland not in a due fubferviency to him : And this In.. terefi which you mull Drny, confifleth in your Pleafures,Profits, and Honour : Of thele therefore" Thal fpeak dillinstily, though but briefly. I. You mull begin at the denial and mortification of your Corrupt and felfifh Digolitiun , or elle you can never well deny yourf el 0 Lnterefi 1 t is not enongh to keep under this lei fifh- nefs by denying it fomewhat that it would have : but the Inclination or Nature it Pelf mutt be fo far mortified and dettroy- edi that it (hall not reign as formerly it did. For this which we callfeififbnep, is not your very Perfons, nor any fpiritual or right natural defire ofyour own good But it is the inordinate adhering of the foul to your telves, by departing from God to whom you fhould adhere ; and fo a carryingover Gods inter roll and honour to }our felves. Holinefs is an Inclination and Dedication to God : by which twowe are Paid to be feparated to. him. And wickednels is an Inclination, and AddidectneiF or Devotednefs to our fives above God, or as feparated from God : And this inciination, Diffiofition, or Separationof man to Himfelf inflead ofGod, is it that i call felfor fe/fifhnefi ; and this Self tuft it fell be firfl deftroyed, as CO the predominant de- gree. And therefore let us Firfi obferve wherein this felfilh lion cloth confift, which mull be deflroyed ; and then Secondly, wherein the felfilh Inrereft doth confift that mull be denied. And firft the feififhDiffiofition confifleth in thefe feveral parts that follow. L, 1. The