Baxter - HP BV4647 .S4 B39 1660

Sey-conceitednefs muffbe denied, embracements till be came to himfelf by denying himfelf, and re. turning to his Father. And this the fe/f-conceited will not be perfwaded to. The firil that mail touch Chrift after his refur- reetion, is not a King, nor a Lord, no nor a man, but a wo. man that had been a finner. When fhe held him by the feet, .Love did begin low in humility, but it tended higher , and ended higher. Chrift bath told us, that where much is forgiven there will be much love. For there's moil of the fruits of Gods love, and leaft of fe/f, and moil to-abafe Pelf it is not poffible that love to Chrill fhould dwell or work in any but the humble, that feel at the heart that they are unworthy of love, and wor. thy of everlailing wrath, The Proud and Self-conceited cannot love him ; for they cannot be much taken with Chrifis love to them , except as the Pharifee- in a way of [elf-flattery. But the poor foul that was loll, will heartily love him that fought and found him ; and he that was dead, will love when he finds him- Alf alive ; and he that was Condemned both by God and Con. fcience, will furely love the Lord that ranfomed him !'And it is the apprehenfions that men have of themfelver that much caufeth all this difference. The felf-abhorring , felf-judging, felf denying finner is melted with the love of God in Chrift, be. caufe it is to fuch a wonhlefs, finful wretch. What .1,1r4 faith he, .is the blood of Chrifi,thepardon of fits, the fpirie of grace the priviledges of a child, and everlaflin, glory for feechan unwor- thy wretch its 1,that have fo long offended thee,and fo much neg. laled thee and lived fuch a life as I have done, and am leech an empty unprofitableworm ?] 0 what a wonder of mercy ie. this ! But the full foul loaths thehoney comb The fell-conceited an- humbled finner looks as mindelefly at Chrift, as a healthful min at the Phyfizian, or an innocent man at a. pardon. And that good that is in the Proud and Selfconreited cloth feldom do muchgood to others, ( much lefs to themfelves.) As fuchdo but feek and ferve themfelves, fo ordinarily God. doth not blefs their endeavours : but as they are perverted, they are the likeft topervert others, and propagate their felf-conceited- nefs : Two words from an humble Self-denyingman, doth often- times more good then a fermon from thefelf-conceited., Ladmonifh.yowtherefore in the name of God, that you M-3