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The Epilile Dedicatory. by man ? Chrift is fufficient to Teach the world, as well as to Govern. But doth it follow that men muff be no Teachers, under him nothing but felfflmeffe could ca.uCe this blindnefs. Arid becaule I know, that this ftream proceeds from the Rowan fpring, and it is their great defign to perfwade the world, that it belongs not to Magiftrates to meddle withReligion, but only to cherifh them that the Pope approveth of, and to punifb thole whom the Pope condemns, and that Chrift mull Govern and judge of matters of Religion himlelf, that is, by his pretended Roman-Vicechrift, I fball only now fay this that if Rome were acquainted with felf-denyal, and if the feifilh carnal in tereft of Riches and Rule and world- ly greatnefs, hadnot blinded them, they could never have beleeved themlelves, that Chrift did appoint the Pope of Rome to be iis Univerfal Vicar ; and that Prin. ces and Magiftrates in their own Dominions, have not more Power to judge who is to be tolerated or punith- ed by the fword, then the Pope of Rome when no Prieft or Prelate upon earth (as fuch) hath any thing to do with fuch a judgement, no not in the places where they live. All that they have to do herein, is to judge who is the Heretick or offendor in order to his cenfure and excommunication : But its Magiftrates only that mutt judge who is the Heretickor offendor in order to corporal punishment or reftraint. And this I under- take to make good againft all the Papifts in the world much more that the Roman tyrant) hath no fuch Power at the Antipodes, and in all the Chriftian nations on earth. R .member in all this, that I fpeak not againft a To- leration of Godly tolerable men, Epilcopal, Presbyter