Baxter - HP BV4647 .S4 B39 1660

171 Self-will to be denied. to thine even on the dogs that bark at them. Thy rebellious felfbath hitherto been maintained by the mercy of that Will of Godwhich thou haft refitted. But this patience will not always !aft : Take therefore this neceffary advice in time. Down with thine own Idolatrous leg-will ; Know not a will or defire in thy felf,that's not moved by the will ofGod,cven by his word as thy ground, and his pleafure and honour as thy chiefeft end.De- ftroy that will that fprings but fromfelf,and is moved but by the Incerefi offe/f.Slay it before the Lord as his enemy,as Samuel did. Agag. Though an hypocritical Saul will fpare this king of rebelli- on,defigned to deitruetion,yet fo will not an obedient feryant of God. I will not bid thee offer it in facrifice to Gods Will: for it is too vile to be an acceptable facrifice: But utterly deftroy it as the- accurfed thing. Know not hereafter filch a thing within thee as a will that is Originally or Finally chine Ottn.. If the Word and the Glory ofGod be the movers of ir, thou mayft call that Gods Will, as well as thine own : It is thine fubjedively, but it is Gods as the principal Efficient and End. 0 that you did but know what your Own veils are, and what they have done againft you, and what they may yet do, if they be not mortified l You would not then be fo indulgent, to them , and pamper and pleafe them, andhe fo defirous to have your own mils as you have been.To this end I pray you confider but ofthefe fewparti- culars, following. I., The will ofman is the terrefirial Throne of God. It is there that he muff reign. The will is to Rule all the inferiour faculties ; and God is to rule the will. And fhall felfprefurric todethrone the Lord, and fit down in his place ? He that rules the will, rules the man. And (hallfell be thy Ruler And will God put up all this ? 2. It is God only that huh the foveraign authority, and ('elf bath none but under him. We are not our own.; and therefore have nothing to do with ourfelves but at the Will ofGod that is our Owner. Take heed thereforeof this Ufurpation. 3. Thy Own will is a corrupt and finful will, and therefore unfit tobe thy governor 7, what-, wilt thou chufe an.unjuft, a wicked, and unmerciful governor that is inclined to do evil ? Why fuck is thine own Will; But the will of God is perfedly good,