Baxter - HP BV4647 .S4 B39 1660

d116...r.20.5.1111i Self will to be denied. fhould ref your felves content, and that/elf-will fhould be de- nied as the difturber of your quietnefs. 8. Moreover, Self.willis Satans will, and flirred up by him againft the Lord. How elfe do you think the Devil rules the children of difobedience, but by felfconceit and felf-wi!1 ? if therefore you would deny the Devil, deny Self-will ; for inbe- ing ruled by it, you are ruled by him and in pleating it, you pleale him. God himfelf Eels you ;his in plain expreffions, .Eph. 2. 1,2,3, They that milkin treffialres andfins, and fo are dead in them, according to the conrfe of this world, and in the lulls ofthe fiefb, fulPling the defires ofthe flefh and ofthe mind, there the Holy Ghoit there Eels you, do walkaccording to the Prince of the power of theair, the fpirit that no worketh in the children of difobedience. 9.It is the very perfedion and felicity of man ,to be conformed to the wjfiof God,and to reft with full content therein ; And it is thecorruption and mifery of man, to have a felfi miiguided Will of his own, and firive againit his Makers Will. And fo far as you flick in your own wils, and are let upon them, and mull have them fulfilled, and cannot ref in the Will of God, fo far are you fill unfanCtified, and unfaved, and in the power of your great difeafe. And fo far as you are dead to Self-will, and look up to the Will of God both for direCtion and content, and will that which hewilleth, even becaufe he willeth it, and would, have you it,and can ref your fouls in this as full fa- tisfaCtion [It is my Fathers Will , and therefore heft.] So far are you fanaified and rellored toGod. o. Laftly, let me tell you, that its heft for you to deny felf- will in time, and give your wils to thewill of God. For when you have done all that you can, God will have his Will, and you (hall not have your own will long. You may ftrive againfl the PT/iii ofGod, but you fhall not frufrate it. You may break his Laws, but (hall not fcape his judgements. Y911 may rebell againft his commandingwill but you cannot refill his poniAing will. When youhave done your worft , its Gods will that inuf Child ; and fuch a will as is little to the pleafure of your wils. But Self will is never of long continuance : its content is short. Now you will have your *ill, let Pod fay what he will to