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self-imagin4tion to be denied. Paftions for God that gave them you ; but when it is meeerly the cause offelf, be dead to pal on as ifthere were no fuch thing within you. If the wrong be done CO pa!, think then with yourfelves, s, I amfuch a filly wretchedworm that a wrong done tome is a!Mamatter , in comparifon ofthe leaf' that: done to God : it is not great enoughfor indignation or paffion :] Remem- ber, that its Gods work to right your wrongs,and your work to lament and hinder the abufe of God. And therefore ifmen curie you, or revile you, or slander you, if Gods interest in your re- putation command you to leek the clearing of it, then d ) it, but not for yourPelf, but for God : but otherwife, be as a dead man that bath no eyes to fee an injury, nor no ears to hear it, nor no heart to feel it, nor nounderflanding to perceive it, nor no hands to be revenged for it This is to be mortified, and dead to /W. When Pafflon begins to fir within you, ask, Moats the matter ? wbo is it for ? and who to it that is wronged ?] If it be Goci,ask counfel of Gid,what he would have you to do, and let your paflion be well guided and bounded , and then it will be acceptableholy zeal : but if if it be but Pelf thats wronged, re. member that youare not your own ; and therefore take no thought of the bufinefs, but leave God to look to his own, and do with it as he plea fe : Ifyou are his, your caufe is his, and therefore let him look to it that is concerned in it more then you ; and that hath Paid, [Vengeance is mine, andI willrepay.] CHAP. XVI I. Self-imagination to be denied. 6. A Notber Ott ofPelf tobe mortifiedand denied, is Self. !imagination. It is the felfhnefe ofmens thoughts, that is the vanity of their thoughts ; and thefe are the Imaginations that are only evil continually. The thoughts fhould be let out on God, and his fer vice ; fo that our meditation of him fhopild be fweet, andweAmid delight in the Lord, Pfa I, 1 04. 3 q.. and in the multitude ofour thoughts within its, his comforts Amiddelight ourfeuls, Nal. 94.19. His word fhould be or editation all the z day, 99