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Inordinate Appetite to be denied. 101 CHAP XVIII, inordinate Appetite to be denyed. 7. THe Taft part of Pelf to be denyed is your inordinate Ap- petites, excited by the fenfes, commonly called the fenfitive Appetite. Thefe are not to be themfelves deftroyed. For the Appetite is natural and neceffary to our welfare : but the inordinate defire is to be denyed, and the Appetite refrain- ed,and no further fatisfied then is allowed by the word of God; and by this means the inordinacy of it may come to be Morti- fied. Though SelfiAnefs bath defiled the whole man, yet _retsina pleafnre is the chief part of its intereft, and therefore by the fenfes it commonly works, and thefe are the doors and windows by which iniquity entreth into the foul. And therefore a princi- pal part of se/f-deny.stconfifteth in denying the fenfitive Appe- tite. 1. But how far is this Appetite to be denyed ? Aniw. r. When ever it craveth any thing thakis forbidden : This is pall mull not be pleafed to the difobeyingof Coda,. When it ticeth us towards that which is forbidden and would be feed- ing on the baits and occafions of fin ; unlefs the thingdefired be receffary, it is here to be denyed. For fin and Hell are dangers that no wife man will draw too near to. 3. When ever the pleating of the fenfe conducethnot to Godsfervice, and doth not fit or furnifh us for our duty, it is unlawful. ueft. But may not the Creatures be received for Delight, as well as for Neceffity ? 4nJw. Its an ill exprefied queltion As if Delight it. felf were never neceflary. Neceffity is either Abfclure, as of thofe things without which we cannot be laved; or it is only to our bettering and the greater fecuringof our falvation : and fo its taken for that which is any way ufeful and profitable to it ; dire&ly or indireotly. We may and mutt make ufe of the creatures I. Not only for our own Ne- ceSity, but principally for the fetvice and glory of God,, i Cer.- 1 0. 31. And, 2. not only for ourAboleste neceffity, but alfo yivihen they in any meafure further us in or to the fervice of God; 3 foJ