Baxter - HP BV4647 .S4 B39 1660

Inordinate Appetite to be denied. 107 give advice toReafon. A Swine that will drinkwhey till he burft his belly, is blamelefs, becaufe he knew not the danger, and had ,not Reafon to ref-train bim : But a man that bath Reafon, and yet will eat, and drink, and fleep, and ufe the Cre- itures meerly to pleafe the appetite of his flefh, is utterly un- excufable : What muff the light of Reafon be put out , or put under the cover of fenfual concupifcence ? mutt a nature that is kin to 'Angels, be enflaved to that which is kin to beafts ? unworthy is he of the honour or glory of a Saint, that cafleth away the honour'of his manhood, and makes himfelf a very beaft. What elfe doth that vvretch,that when he leech a dial before him that he loves,doth never ask whether it be wholefom or unwhole- lom, but eats it as an Horfe (loth his provender, meerly becaufe his appetite would have it : Yea perhaps though know, or be told that is is unwholefom, yet as long as it pleafeth his tafle,he cares not ? And what elfe doth that wretch, that when he fees the cup, muff needs be tailing : he loves it, and chats reafon enough with him. What a bale unmanly thing is it,(much more unchriftian) to be a Slave to a flefhly appetite ! Would one of thefe Gentlemen-gluttons, Drunkards , or Whoremongers, or any of our voluptuous Epicures , that mutt needs have that they love,becontented tobecome afervant to a BeaNwould you take a Dog or a Swine for your Matier,and ferve them,and obey them, and do what your bruitifh Matter would have you ? why wiles the matter that many ofour worfhipful andhonourable Bealts do not fee that they do as bad ? What is your own flefhly fenfual Appetite any better then that ofa Beall ? A Dog bath as good afoot as you ; and a Swine bath as good a talleor fight as you,, and alfo as ftrong a lull as you. What _ great difference is there betwixt the (trying your on flefh and another( ?" your own brutifh par t,or any other brute that lives about you ? Won- derful ! if the favour ofGod be nothing with you, and if dam- nation be nothing with you, that yet y011 are infenfible of your honour in the world ,and that you that cannot put up a difgrace- ful`word or blow,can yet put up at your own hands fuch a beafli- al'indignity, as the fubjsing of a Rational imr,:ortal foul, to that brutifh flefh , which was made to be its fervour ! z C u A L