Baxter - HP BV4647 .S4 B39 1660

The Epijile Dedicatory. divilions, and fo backward to the cure 5 nor would men ofthis profeffion, for the intereft of their opinions and parties, have cherifhed diffenfion, and fled from concord, and have had a hand in the refilling and pul- ling down authority, and embroiling the nations in wars and miferies. And whence is it bat for want of fell-deny41, (for our own faults muff be confelled) that the Minifters of Chriff, are fo much fluent in the midit of Inch heynous mifcarriages as the times abound with I knowwe receive not our Commiffion as Pro- phets did, by immediate extraordinary infpiration ! But what of that The Priefts that were called by an ordinary way, were bound to be plain and faithful in their office, as well as the Prophets: And fo are we. How plainly (poke the Prophets even to Kings e and ho'v patiently did they bear indignities and perfecuti ons e: But nowwe are grown carnally wire and cau telous ; (for holy wifdom and caution I allow) and if duty be like to coft us dear, we can think that we are excufed from it : If great men would fet up Popery in the land by a Toleration, after fo much blood and war arY .b- infl it, and fo much failing and prayer for re- formation, and fo many foleinn engagements and pro- feffions 5 alas, howmany Mtnifters think they miy be fluent, for fear left the contrivers fhould cal! them fe- ditious, or turbulent or difobedient, or fhould fet a Rogers., or a Stubbe, or a Pierce, to raile at them and call them Lyers and Calionsniar s : or tor fear left they fhould be perfecu ed, and ruined in their eftates or names I. If they do bur forefee, that men in power or' honour in the world, will charge themwith Lye or on- chriflian dealing; for (peaking the words of 3" nob lnd soberneft,againft the Introduaion of Popery anz itu-- ( a 3) piety,