Baxter - HP BV4647 .S4 B39 1660

Idle and worldly Talk to be denied. would you fit down and tell them an old tale, or talk of the weather, or this trifle, or that what an abfurdity would this be, and infenfibility of your brethrens cafe ? And will you do fo in a cafe ten thoufand fold greater ? Can you find in your heart to fluid jetting and prating with a poor unregenerate man that is within a Step of hell ? Have you not more need to call to him to look about him in time, and to remember eter- nity, and to turn and live ? If you fee but the nakednefs of the poor, or the fores of a Cripple, it fhould move you to com- paffion : And will not mens ignoranceand ungodlinefs move you ? Their miferies cry aloud to you for pitty, though them- (elves are filent, 0 help to lave us from fin and hell, as lou have the hearts of men ] and yet will you flop your ears, and fall a prating and jelling with them ? you rob them of the means that God hath commanded you to ure for their recovery. God bath commanded, that [ the word of Chrifl dell in Jost richly isall wifdom, teaching andadmonifbing One another Col. 3.16. yea that you dailyexhort one another while it is called to day, left any be bardene,1 through the oleceitfulnefs of fin, Heb.3.13. Nay you have the great myfleries of the Golpel to difcourfe of with the Godly ; the glorious things of everlafling life to makemention of to one another, yea you have the high praifes of God to advance in the world, and all his blared attributes to magnifie, and all his glorious works to praife, and all the ex periences of your own fouls to lay open, and his many and, great mercies towards you to admire and thankfully confefs. And yet have you leafure for idle talk ? For number of objefts, you haveGod and all his works in heaven and earth ( that are revealed ) to talk of ; you have all his providences all his judgements, all his mercies, and all hisword ? And is nor this field large enough for your tongue to walk in, but you molt leek out more work invanity it Pelf? For Greatnefs, you have thegreaten things in all theworld to mind and calk of : For ne- ceffity, youhave the mattersof your own and other mens fal- vation todilcourfeof : Forexcellency, you have God and his Image, and works, and wales, and heaven it felf to talk of: For delightfulnefs, you have the fweeteft objets in the world, even